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A Business Analyst’s song

I am the very model of a modern Business Analyst

I’m a planner, a doer and a damn good strategist
I talk with stakeholders, end-users and management
From C-level to staff and also contaminant
I’m well acquainted too with the elicitation of requirement
Ensuring that between the parties there is always a good agreement
Although to make that happen is sometimes quite an achievement
It’s all done with a smile right up to the completion.

I’m very good at analysing, interpreting and modelling
To present the data, and the findings in a way quite compelling
In short, for a project, you need me as a panellist
I am the very model of a model Business Analyst

I work with teams – both agile and waterfall
And sometimes is the process almost unbearable
Often is it important all questions in depth to discuss
To ensure that the result achieved is without much fuss.
I’m good at observation, root cause analysis and can make a sequence diagram.
As well as run a workshop, interviews and a collaborative game.
Then I can conduct, coordinate and plan to understand.
Exactly what the sponsor, stakeholders or Product Owner really demand
Confirming that with the team, through a document, a backlog or a story board
So that work can begin, and any necessary changes can be explored.
In short, for a project, you need me as a panellist
I am the very model of a model Business Analyst


In fact when I know the difference between a use case and a user story,
When I know that CATWOE and Gap are two analyses of a different category.
When such affairs as office politics and stakeholder conflict
I know can the process of reaching a solution really restrict
When I have understood the concepts of the Business Analysis Core Concept Model
And know that Agile and Scrum are not a load of twaddle
In short when I’ve more than a smattering of Business Analysis Techniques
You’ll say never has a better Business Analysis had better critiques.
For my business analysis skills, though I’m plucky and mostly agreeable
And because of that I think you know that it is most foreseeable
That, in short, for a project, you need me as a panellist
I am the very model of a model Business Analyst