The Debate Over Blending the Roles of the BA and the PM
In the last Business Analyst Times, Bob Wysocki suggested that, in this day and age, the business analyst and the project manager have much in common with major areas of overlap. He pointed out that the skill and competency profiles of the effective BA and the effective PM are virtually identical. He argued that possibly a new role will emerge combining the competency of both. Boy, did that set the fur flying! As a result, we’ve created a dedicated discussion forum for you to participate in. To go there now, click here.
Part two of Bob’s series, Effective Requirements Gathering and Management Need the Skills of Both the BA and the PM, is in this issue and we invite you to read it and react by contributing to what is an ongoing and, at times, heated discussion.
Contributor Richard Lannon brings his experience in facilitating Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) work sessions in the energy sector to helping IT organizations improve processes and services. He stresses the importance of looking at situations from a broad business perspective rather than a narrower IT viewpoint. In his article, ITSM Work Sessions: Lessons Learned, Richard shares the lessons he’s learned over the years and how to put them to work.
Bloggers John Dean and Terry Longo are back. John shares his views on setting up identity systems, while Terry wonders should the BA be part of the IT department or have a broader role within business.
I know you have your own views – I’ve heard some of them on the road. Please share them with other Business Analyst Times readers.
Best Regards,
Adam R. Kahn
Publisher, Business Analyst Times
[email protected]