Recertification Woes
Having obtained IIBA’s Certified Business Analysis Professional™ (CBAP ®) designation in 2006 (first group tested) I have had to recertify every 3 years which means I am recertifying for the third time.
This requires a review of efforts that have kept me involved in and learning about my profession for the past 3 years. It also includes identifying relevant work experiences, training, and volunteering by giving back to the Business Analysis industry. To retain my designation I must document at least 60 Continuing Development Units (CDUs) in those areas.
Today I began the recertification journey in earnest – even though after the last painful recertification efforts I promised myself that I would track relevant experiences as I acquired them. Sadly I did not keep that promise. To make matters worse I was notified 90 days before my recertification anniversary date and yet I did not begin recertification efforts at that time. Now I must undertake herculean efforts to meet the deadline in about a month while also working as a Business Analyst and conducting non-Business Analysis volunteer activities. Woe is the life of a serial procrastinator.
Related Article: Business Analyst – Born or Made?
I reviewed the 6 categories for reporting the requisite 60 CDUs and considered those areas for which I can provide supporting documentation. Unfortunately I was unable to attend a conference (Category 2A or 2D worth 30 CDUs), I did not write that book for which I had been considering (Category 3E worth 30 CDUs), and for certain I attended 0 (zero) formal academic education courses in Business Analysis (Category 1 worth 30 max CDUs). With my IIBA volunteering days in the past (Category 5 maximum 30 CDUs) and no local IIBA chapter where I could attend meetings (Category 2C maximum 30 CDUs) I realized I was going to hit a deficit for required number of CDUs using only Category 6 Professional Experiences (maximum 25 CDUs) and Category 4 Self-Directed Learning (maximum 15 CDUs). That is only 40 of the minimum 60 CDUs! I began stressing out but then I recalled the internal 1 week training for agile requirements I attended this past summer. Yay! Category 2 is saving the day because I will be able to claim up to 30 CDUs in that category.
I have other professional designations for which I must recertify every 2 or 3 years and I have trained myself to retain documentation for self-directed learning efforts. However, it is going to be painful documenting related work experience and describing the activities as they relate to the BABOK®. For every 1,000 hours documented I will receive only 5 CDUs.
That means for the maximum 25 CDUs I must identify over 5,000 hours work experience as it relates to the BABOK®! The work was tough enough the first go-round and now I will be reliving those experiences by analyzing and documenting the tasks during every available moment for the next few weeks.
I have already made myself another promise not to procrastinate for the 4th recertification efforts. I am going to develop a strategy to earn a balanced number of CDUs across several of the 6 categories in the next 3 years with a plan for when and how I will earn them and also to document the CDUs by completing the spreadsheet provided by IIBA as I earn each CDU. I will not wait until the last minute again! My advice to CBAP®s and CCBA®s? Don’t do as I did…do as I am planning to do. Best of luck to you all!