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Tag: Best Practices

We Don’t Need BAs!

Since you are reading this post I assume you are most likely a business analyst, want to be a BA, or have BAs working for you.  At the end of this post I think you’ll all agree that we do not need BAs. I think it is also safe to say there is nothing positive about a BA.

Let me first define what I mean by “BA”.  I do not mean a Business Analyst.  I am referring to a Bad Attitude. I am a firm believer that we need business analysis, but we do not need business analysts with bad attitudes.  Our profession is still young, and bad attitudes will seriously impede our ability to positively impact organizations around the world.

I recently went to a store to make a purchase.  When I was next in line the cashier said, “Can I help the next person?”  Her words were fine, but the tone was terrible.  Her body language and lack of enthusiasm said “I don’t really want to help the next person in line, but that is what I get paid to say.” I knew this was going to be a bad experience, but I tried to approach it with an open mind.  Unfortunately it only got worse.  Here is an example of how I was treated. I had two items to pay for so I handed the cashier both.  I quickly learned she was not happy about that move. She yelled, “One thing at a time!”  I really like the store, but I had a really bad experience because of one person’s bad attitude.

In situations like this I normally don’t complain.  I will just never spend my money at that establishment in the future. There are too many options out there.  I don’t feel like trying to give feedback and help resolve the issue when I can just go down the street to the competition. 

As a business analyst do you have a bad attitude?  Let’s find out with this short quiz.

Answer the three questions below by choosing the answer that you most closely can relate.

  1. When you are eliciting requirements for a specific process and your stakeholder starts talking about another process do you respond by saying something like:
    a. “One thing at a time!”
    b. “This is a great conversation, but we have time scheduled to discuss that process tomorrow. Can this wait until then or should do we need to explore this process before continuing?”
  2. When your project manager asks for your status do you respond by saying something like:
    a. “I’m working on it. I would be done if you didn’t keep asking me my status.”
    b. “Things are looking good. I have a few more meetings this week. I’ll give you an update Friday.”
  3. When your QA Analyst asks about a requirement for the third time do you respond by saying something like:
    a. “I already explained this to you twice; I doubt a third time will help.”
    b. “Let me see if I can explain this better…”

If you answered “B” to all of these most likely you have a positive attitude and are viewed as a team player and contributor.  If you answered “A” to any of the above you may have a bad attitude.  Think about why you answered “A” and you may want to make some adjustments.

Similar to my response at the store, the people you work with may not give you critical feedback about the impact of your attitude.  They may choose to not work with you and decide to work with another BA without a BA (bad attitude).

Positively yours,


Know When to Say When; How Not to Get In Over Your Head With Metrics

KnowWhenToSayWhen1As business analysts we can agree that benchmarking is important, but from that point on we’re likely to find the conversation diverges. Differences abound in approaches of how and what to benchmark in order to prove value. Organizations become overzealous in what they want to benchmark and scorecard in their drive to create greater efficiencies. However, a key component for developing and monitoring successful metrics is ensuring that they are in alignment with the maturity of an organization. Knowing when to say when can enable less mature organizations to develop metrics that are both useful and appropriate at the developmental level.

Benchmark People and Process First

In a previous BA Times article on managing metrics, the author and my esteemed colleague, Keith Ellis, made the case for creating multiple point metrics for people, techniques, process, technology, organization and documentation standards. While creating multiple-point metrics may be the best possible scenario, it is an enormous undertaking and, given the maturity of an organization, the least likely possible scenario the organization can accomplish successfully. An organization that lacks BA maturity would do well to start with a simple approach to metrics that considers people, process and tools, with a greater emphasis on the first two.

I highly recommend forming a team of individuals to work together, ideally in a requirements workshop setting, to determine the metrics to be monitored. Select a maximum of five things to measure for a benchmark. Keep in mind that the metrics don’t have to be exact. A “swagged” or estimated number calculated with simple mathematics and a plus/minus degree of accuracy can be used when there are no specific data elements readily available and should be acceptable until a level of maturity is reached. As the organization begins to mature, so too can the details being measured, the formulas used to calculate those measurements and the accuracy of the metrics.

Processes are interdependent and complex, so restrict yourself to three to five processes. Basic measureable process-related activities could include such items as time to complete an iteration, number of change requests and total number of iterations. Also, look at the solution development lifecycle and pick one or two that are bleeding the most. Finally, schedule benchmarking on a monthly basis. One year out is too late for a remedy, and with fewer metrics to benchmark, you will find the task is quite manageable.

Tools really shouldn’t play a role in developing and monitoring metrics, but they invariably do when an organization begins to cloud and confuse what level of metrics should be assessed. It’s important when using this simple approach to remember that knowledgeable people and refined processes are needed before you can select a tool. A tool is only as good as the people and process using it. A simple SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis will help a team to quickly ascertain appropriate people and process metrics.

Scorecarding Metrics

Scorecarding is very important for measuring how well activities are being executed and individuals are performing. It should be related to goals and objectives and show a demonstrated relationship with benchmarking to people and process (and tools, if they’ve somehow gotten into the mix). However, scorecards are often put in place and not used because they’re so complicated or they don’t relate back to benchmarks.

Even in singular projects, scorecarding should focus on one to three things. Take, for example, two or three benchmarks that would be measured for running a requirements workshop. One workshop iteration takes 40 hours of effort for planning, execution, validation, etc. The next workshop is conducted after training people and reduces the workshop effort to 20 hours. The scorecard would indicate a 50 percent increase in efficiency.

Project Comparison

Side-by-side paired project execution has the potential to be a valuable benchmarking tool, as long as it doesn’t become too burdensome or complex. Keep in mind that no two projects are identical so give yourself some leeway in finding comparable projects. For instance, a $100,000 project could be benchmarked against a $150,000 project. Then, follow two or three things from project to project and be prepared to evaluate five to ten projects that are similar in nature.

Ongoing Reviews

Peer reviews, contract reviews and structured walkthroughs can increase efficiencies more effectively than look-back reviews conducted after the fact. The reviews should be done through the entire process as iterative functions so that by the time you’ve gotten through a project, you should be confident in your scorecard data and benchmark comparison.

Toward Positive Financial Impact

As an organization matures, overall project costs, return on investment, internal rate of return and the time spent on validating output of interviews, requirements workshops and other BA functions will build toward performance improvement, not only for individual projects but also for project portfolios. This will enhance the value of business analysis and the positive financial impact that can be realized. An organization that lacks in BA maturity should take a simple approach to measure its performance. When it comes to requirements metrics, don’t try to run before you can walk.

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Glenn R. Brûlé, CBAP, CSM, Executive Director of Client Solutions, ESI International brings more than two decades of focused business analysis experience to every ESI client engagement. As one of ESI’s subject matter experts, Glenn works directly with clients to build and mature their business analysis capabilities by drawing from the broad range of learning resources ESI offers. ESI, a subsidiary of Informa plc (LSE:INF), helps people around the world improve the way they manage projects, contracts, requirements and vendors through innovative learning. For more information, visit

Tips for Presenting Requirements and Deliverables

Business Analysts PresentingIn the past, my presentation of business level requirements has involved walking the business through the 80 pages of UML use cases and watching them glaze over after 10 minutes. I wanted them to understand what they were signing off on but this was not the right way to present the material to my audience. I was finishing up a project recently and was asked to present our teams’ findings, requirements specification and design to the director group.

My project was to develop a consolidated reporting tool that would bring together six different program data sets. So I took a user centered design approach to developing the business requirements and incorporated a lot of the information architecture tools and techniques I had learned on projects over the least three years.

I started with face-to-face consultations and workshopped the needs and wants of the service users who were required to supply reports. I also talked to internal users who would analyze and summarize the reports for the branch’s policy decision makers. We decided to use user stories and personas, want maps and process maps to present our findings about what the users really wanted and then used the site map and a prototype to show how the system would look and feel.

The presentation went extremely well as the directors were taken through the process and had the visual clues to show them what the user experience would be. So why was this presentation approach successful? I think it was because my BA documentation tends to be very visual, as I find that my audience likes to see how the design and the system will work, and need to be brought along the journey. In a recent presentation I told the story through the eyes of the users and found this was a very effective way to present my deliverables.

Here are my top five tips for presenting requirements and deliverables:

1. Establish and Communicate the Purpose. On my project, the service users clearly wanted a system that would help them manage and plan their day-to-day service business, not just a tool to use for reporting back to the funding branch. I presented our findings from the stakeholder consultations and then presented the six personas to demonstrate our understanding of these six key user groups. I told their story by presenting user scenarios and explained why they wanted what they wanted from the system. My key message was that the system users wanted a management tool, not a reporting tool. By clearly presenting this purpose and demonstrating through personas and user stories, the directors understood that this change would mean a win/win at implementation time as the burden of data entry for services would be lessened if there was something in it for them – namely useful management reports.

2. Use Visual Artifacts to Display Requirements and Design. The personas were a very powerful tool to show what the archetypal users of the system wanted and how the groups differed in what they required. We displayed the primary, secondary and tertiary user needs in a want map and this helped to show the key differences and commonalities of wants across the varied stakeholders. The process maps showed how the different groups would interact with the system and how we would help them through the process, streamline the process and reduce duplication of information. The prototype helped to show how automation and integration of data would decrease data entry burden and also capture information that could be used to aid their management and planning.

By presenting deliverables as user scenarios and showing the findings through use of personas and want maps, the directors were able to see the value in responding to the needs of the services as this would, in the long run, gain acceptance and quick wins for the system implementation. Walking this audience through use case after use case would have missed the mark with this group, as it would have been too detailed and technical and would not have given them the same feel for the concept of what the users wanted.

3. Understand your Audience. My presentation was aimed at the business users, and I needed to understand their needs so I could tailor my presentation to meet their needs. I needed to understand who the key players were? Who were the influencers and decision makers? What did they want from this system? What were the relationships between the different stakeholders? This was difficult as it was a short project (only 10 weeks) and I had little direct contact with some of the key players. Therefore, I worked closely with my business product owner to ensure he saw the deliverables in progress and had a chance to comment prior to their being presented to the directors and executives. I sought his guidance on how to handle the meeting; the dynamics of the stakeholders involved, and walked him through the key messages. This preparation meant that I could frame the deliverables in a way that would hit the mark for this audience.

4. Understand the Business Context. Presenting to an audience when you don’t understand their business does not end well for the presenter. In conveying understanding of requirements for the business and users, I believe it is important to know the business context. I did my research and preparation before the meeting and asked myself:

  • What are the key drivers for this change?
  • What processes are involved?
  • What are the internal or external environmental constraints or opportunities out there for this group?

Once you know the context, demonstrate that you understand the business needs and vision. Then demonstrate how your solution will meet that need.

5. No Surprises. In the past I have been reluctant to show my work in progress, as I wanted it near completion before sharing it (as the “Virgo” perfectionist in me wanted to make sure it was right!). In working on Agile projects in recent times, I have embraced this skinny solution concept and am now comfortable starting with a skinny version, and fleshing it out as the work progresses. When I had finished a piece of thinking about users, processes or design, I would share these artifacts with the core project team, the key business product owner and then refine. This iterative approach helped my target audience to get a feel for what the deliverable would look like and meant that, when it was being presented, it was not a new concept, just a more refined and validated version of what they had seen earlier. Remember that you are presenting your requirements design solution, not telling a joke, so sending material out beforehand as pre reading will not “spoil the punch line”. If you feel people may miss the point of your deliverable without you there to narrate, then allow for their questions at the end rather than taking questions throughout the presentation.

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Maria Horrigan is an experienced business manager, IT strategic planner and information and communications specialist. She has over 10 years senior management experience within the pharmaceutical industry, not-for-profit and Government. As a principal consultant, Maria is an experienced information architect, senior business analyst and IT strategic analyst and provides advice on developing system requirements with a focus on information architecture and user-centred design, to ensure appropriate IT systems are intuitive and usable. She is a senior practitioner and a well-known Australian speaker on communication, user-centred design, and business analysis. She has experience managing large federal government contracts and project management of large scale business system implementation, systems planning, and analysis and change management. She has a reputation for innovation, managing change, driving strategy implementation and successfully delivering programs. Maria is a Board member and Vice President of Women in Information and Communication (WIC).

Reinventing the Resource Chart

Click on small images to enlarge

As we continue to examine traditional tools reinvented to establish effective communication, let us look at the resource chart. I’ve seen varying approaches to resource charts such as using graphs, spreadsheets, and Gantt charts; and while each of these methods yields results, the approach detailed in this article will improve the amount of information communicated in a single resource chart rather than using multiple diagrams. In short, this article concentrates on a technique that portrays layered meaning in a single chart.

As with the swim lane diagram, discussed in two August issues of Business Analyst Times, ( the resource chart will be constructed using Visio, replete with stencils, which will accelerate chart design time. This technique for creating resource charts serves four main goals:

  1. to communicate what my team is currently working on, what we have completed, and which projects are scheduled to commence;
  2. to provide insight into time spent on each individual project;
  3. to give guidance about the status ofan individual project;
  4. to facilitate,through a single diagram,the percentage of available time for each team member.

If you have similar goals then you should find this technique quite useful. I should point out that my team generally works on simultaneous projects tracked over a maximum three month period. In addition, this technique isn’t a way to define an actual end date (I use MS project for that).

Using some of the basic concepts of the previously discussed swim lane diagram, each team member is assigned a lane, referred to as a “resource lane.” Added to the header, along the x axis, are annotated blocks to represent periods of time. Two week blocks are appropriate to my situation, although individual adjustments can easily be made. Using a typical paper size, landscape oriented, the two week blocks line up nicely with financial quarters (three months of the year). Here, as with the swim lane, a version and author are very important. To ensure that the same version is being used by all, I update my resource chart at least a couple of times a week.


Now I add the resource lanes for each group member. Each of the resource lanes are used to demonstrate an individual’s allocation to a particular project or effort, which is shown as a percentage along the Y axis


and measured in time along the X axis.


In the following example, I will demonstrate using four team members with their corresponding resource lanes.


All the components of the diagram used so far can be added to a Visio stencil, which allow future charts to be created quickly. In a moment, we will fill in the detail, but first let us build the legend to define it.


The legend is divided into three main columns. Within each column are three possible measures, represented by boxes in various shades and patterns, referred to as resource bars.

The first column resource bars (colored green, amber, and red) demonstrate if an effort is on track. When a project is completed, the resource bars should all be green.

The second column resource bars demonstrate proposed/future scheduling that is yet to have an accurate time line, allowing vacation, business travel, and out of office time to be booked out.

The third column resource bars identify regular tasks, the current date, and items that are in queue but not yet defined.

These resource bars, annotated using the appropriate color and style will be added to the resource lanes, at the appropriate dates (x-axis) and percentages (y-axis), to show how long an effort will be sustained.

Starting with Mark, in July he worked on three projects simultaneously (maybe after reading the Bad-Ass BA series…!). Project A took up 25% of his time, Project B 50% and Project C another 25%, for the whole of July. As a result, Mark’s resource lane, with three resource bars, would look something like this.


It is more likely though that resourcing realities will produce situations where projects are completed at different times, potentially freeing up more resource availability. For Mary, this was what happened during July. She worked on two projects, one project for two weeks at 30% and then her remaining time in July was taken up on another project. Her resource lane looked like this.


Adam has a regular task that takes up 25% of his time, such as allocation to support tasks, project roll-outs etc. This resource bar is stretched along the entirety of the resource lane, using the appropriate color as per the legend. He also took a week of vacation at the start of July, after which he worked on a project which, at the time, had some minor issues.


I’ll fast forward a little and fill out the rest of the resource lanes, to bring the diagram to the current date (Aug 25th)


We now have a clear picture of the teams resourcing. We can see that two of the projects in the group have some issues. We can see vacation schedules, business trips and can now easily demonstrate what the group is working on, down to the individual level.

One of the major strengths of this technique is that it is great for planning. You can easily identify when resources will come available. You can actually plan, at a basic level, as far out as you like. I use a different color and designation for planned effort that I have a rough or S.W.A.G. idea of how long it should take. These speculative resource bars are added to the resource lane.


Adding further to planning possibilities, you can also begin to assign projects not yet defined, or in a future queue.


Finally, to further aid the reader, a line representing the current date is added which makes it simpler to see where current date is, in comparison to the data.


The diagram is now complete and so we have created a simple but highly readable chart to demonstrate how a team and/or individual is resourced, has been resourced and will be resourced. In adding the current date line (vertically, in red) the diagram posits a more real time view, which is perfect for a team web site and/or regular distribution fulfilling weekly or daily status reports.

As I mentioned at the start of the article, the four main goals for this diagram were achieved through this layered approach to the resource diagram. Over time, I have realized another major benefit from using this approach whereby employing this diagram prevents my team from being swamped by a deluge of new projects that are awarded high or immediate priority. In such a situation, the stock approach as a manager or executive is to immediately assign a team member to work on this new, high priority project; however, this new resource chart enables the manager to negotiate realistic work loads and time lines to sustain a balanced work flow. A manager is now deftly able to present how an effort should to be prioritized or scheduled by way of a visual aid that is universally understood.

Upon completion, the final illustration in this example looks like this.


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Mark Jenkins is Manager Business Analysis Group at Websense. Mark has spent the last year establishing a formal Business Analysis Group at Websense that now plays an active role in all major business projects. As part of the development, he created new process and documentation standards, which assisted in the overhaul of IT Project processes, placing the BA Group at the forefront of the IT to business interactions. He can be reached at [email protected]

Quick Tips to Improve Your Fact Finding Techniques

In business, we are often asked to draw conclusions and make recommendations. We have to engage in fact finding to ensure that the pieces of information on which we base our conclusions and recommendations are facts, not just speculation, assumptions, or opinions; we have to check any information we obtain. Most of our fact finding will be about how things are done, but it is also important to understand the underlying reason – the why things are done in a certain way – especially during the initial questioning. Our aim is accuracy. We lose credibility if the facts we are using can be challenged by others. This also requires that all evidence be documented in archives for future reference.

There are a number of different methods of fact-finding, and we need to decide which is the most appropriate to achieve the objective. Circumstances may dictate we use a combination of the following methods:

  • Existing Records include business artifacts, such as organization charts, job descriptions, company reports and accounts, departmental/procedural records, and user manuals. These are appropriate to use when well-established processes are in place and documented.
  • Written Surveys and Questionnaires can be used to collect information about attitudes and “hard” data from a large group. The advantages of using this method are that they cover a large target population and are reasonably inexpensive. The drawbacks are the low return rate from participants, generally 20 – 50% from random samples, and the need for very careful construction in order to obtain valid information. Of great concern is that participants self-select, meaning that people with strong feelings, either good or bad, will be more likely to respond than people who are indifferent to the topic.
  • Telephone Surveys are a rapid method of surveying the targeted population. They are more expensive than written surveys, but achieve higher rates of return. These are difficult to use for sensitive or personal topics since respondents will be reluctant to reveal this information.
  • Direct Observation and Site Visits are very useful at the beginning of a project to get a better understanding of the operations and begin building trust and rapport with the participants. It’s always a good idea to go and see things for ourselves, although this may be expensive.
  • Interviewing and Discussion require good preparation and a certain amount of skill to be productive. These should be scripted, but allow the interviewer leeway to pursue tangential topics.
  • Workshops / Focus Groups are an excellent approach to use for brainstorming, envisioning new approaches to a problem, and getting up to speed quickly on new topics. Typically, an interactive workshop contains between 5 and 20 participants and is conducted by an experienced moderator. Focus groups tend to be smaller in size, averaging between 6 and 12 participants. The main differences between the two group-types are workshops tend to be used for internal staff who will break into sub-groups to tackle specific issues, while focus groups are used for customers or external shareholders.
  • Internet/Virtual Conferencing is used to gather “expert opinion” from around the world. This is typically rapid and makes efficient use of resources, but requires technological infrastructure.
  • Database Sources such as Dun & Bradstreet, Gartner Group or Standard & Poor’s can offer useful background information that can be reviewed before using one or more of the other fact finding methods.

During fact finding, it is important to pay attention to the non-verbal behavior of the respondent. The use of voice provides additional meaning to the words spoken. For example, a long pause before answering may mean the person is trying to conceal or soften their real attitude. A hesitant “Yes” may really mean “No”. And stock phrases may indicate the person disagrees with you but is unwilling or unable to argue the point.

Observing physical cues also provides information. Restless shifting and tense shoulders often indicate discomfort with a topic, while looking away may mean the answer is not the whole truth. We need to observe the way that words are spoken.

The key skill in interviewing is active listening, meaning we objectively weigh the evidence being presented and pay attention to the non-verbal behavior, as well as the verbal components of communication. We can really demonstrate active listening by reflecting back, paraphrasing and empathy:

  • Reflecting Back. Words or emotions may be reflected back. An example is: “So, if I’ve got it right you enjoy your work generally, but find working with telecom clients more exciting.”
  • Paraphrasing. Repeating what the interviewee has said, but use your own words rather than the exact words they used.
  • Empathy. Listen to the way things are said and, if there is an underlying emotion, we can comment. For example, “You sound a little disappointed with that”, or “You were really animated talking about telecom customers; you seemed quite excited by the opportunities with them.”

Fact finding requires planning and skill. Well done, it provides a solid basis for analysis, drawing insightful conclusions, and making sound and logical recommendations.

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Tom Grzesiak, PMP, is an instructor for Global Knowledge and is the president of Supple Wisdom LLC. Tom has over 20 years of project management and consulting experience with IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and dozens of clients. He has trained thousand of project managers and consultants. Global Knowledge is a worldwide leader in IT and business training. More than 700 courses span foundational and specialized training and certifications. For more information, visit

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