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Federal Government

The country is buzzing with excitement over the new administration.  Promises of a “change in government” have created optimism about government not seen since Reagan. 

How will this new administration be effective?  How can this new administration properly administer the agencies of federal government and affect change?

My current projects are examples of the complexity of working with federal government:

  • Data consolidation for nine federal agencies 
  • Multiple systems across agencies and within some agencies
  • Standardization of 40 agencies on one system and set of business processes 

What are your challenges in helping government be more efficient?

We, as business analysts, have the opportunity to help our country by making government more efficient and by getting more accurate information to decision-makers.  We can help government standardize and modernize so the type of data available to CEOs of corporations is available to congress and the president. 

In summary I leave a challenge to you and to myself:

How will we, as business analysts, help the new administration get the information it needs to be effective and help streamline and modernize government operations?

Post your comments here or email me at [email protected].  Or you can visit me at my LinkedIn page at