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Author: Adrian Reed

Adrian Reed is a true advocate of the analysis profession. In his day job, he acts as Principal Consultant and Director at Blackmetric Business Solutions where he provides business analysis consultancy and training solutions to a range of clients in varying industries. He is a Past President of the UK chapter of the IIBA® and he speaks internationally on topics relating to business analysis and business change. Adrian wrote the 2016 book ‘Be a Great Problem Solver… Now’ and the 2018 book ‘Business Analyst’ You can read Adrian’s blog at and follow him on Twitter at

Project Gateways: Land Or Abort?

A while back, I heard an airline pilot interviewed on the radio. There had been hurricane force winds, and the pilot was explaining how pilots deal with having to safely land aircraft in situations like this. One key decision is whether to continue to attempt the landing or whether to abort and ‘go around’ (attempt the landing again).

I was really intrigued to hear that pilots are taught to teach every approach as if it will end up being aborted. In fact, the pilot explained that they are taught that even in good conditions they should plan for an aborted landing as the default response, and this only changes once the relevant conditions for a safe landing are met.  Even though aborting a landing is the exception, it is considered so important that they plan for it on every single approach.


Project Landing Strips

As a BA, it struck me that there is a parallel to be drawn with the project world. There is often an understandable and admirable optimism on projects, with a genuine desire to get the delivery ‘over the line’ in the required timescale and within the required budget. Yet history shows us that being ‘on time’ and ‘on budget’ alone are not enough… delivering a solution that doesn’t actually solve a problem or meet a need (or is not aligned with the organizational strategy) is unlikely to achieve the required benefits.  With few or no benefits, what was the point in the first place? Spending good money after bad on a project that should have been canceled months ago is crazy, but it happens.

Now, I’m no PM, but I would expect that any good project method will require regular benefit reviews and there will be approval gateways where the project could (in theory) be stopped. Yet we have probably all experienced how this becomes harder and harder as time passes and as the budget gets spent. It would be a brave sponsor that aborts a project that has been in execution for a year and has spent millions of dollars. The ‘sunken cost’ fallacy comes into play here, along with the political ramifications of making a decision like this. Yet there may be times when it is the right thing to do… if the choice is to write off the existing spend or continue and commit another ten million dollars to deliver something nobody wants or needs, then surely the logical thing to do is to hit the ‘stop’ button?


This is perhaps where a subtle change could help. Project gateways and reviews are, in my experience at least, often progressed with the assumption that the project will continue unless it is proven that there is a major problem. As long as everything can be shown to be within agreed tolerances, it’ll pass through with flying colors. What if that perspective was changed so that the default is to stop—or at least pause—the project unless it could be established that the benefits will still be achieved?  If the emphasis changed from “prove it won’t work” to “prove it will work”? If red lines or “key failure indicators” were defined up front and examined too?

Ironically, this was probably the original intent of project gateways. They ought to provide efficient, fast and robust scrutiny on project investments. However, I’m sure we’ve all worked in situations where they are seen as somewhat of a ‘tick in the box’ exercise. I remember hearing a colleague report that they’d found benefits being double-counted in a business case. They were shocked with the response “oh, don’t worry, we need to get this one through—we’ll leave it in as we can always find some benefits elsewhere if we need to”. I feel sure they will have escalated the matter, but this illustrates the types of challenges that practitioners face.


But Don’t Go Too Far!

There is one additional aspect that should be considered here. As Christina Lovelock argues in her excellent article “Practicing Practical Optimism”, there can be a tendency to place too much emphasis on risk. These things are always a balance, but just as the pilot plans for an aborted landing even though they don’t expect to need to do it, perhaps project reviews should prepare for pausing/stopping projects even though they don’t expect to do so very often.  After all, you probably buckle up your seatbelt every time you drive your car even though you don’t expect to have an accident. A good project gateway could perhaps be seen as the project’s emergency brakes, seatbelt and airbag. Where braking is necessary, it’ll be much more comfortable for everyone involved if it’s done early and gradually!

If your project gateways are already working like this, that is fantastic. If not, perhaps this is food for thought

Are You SURE You’re Actually Helping?

A bizarre thing happened to me earlier today. I was standing by the side of a busy street waiting to cross, when a driver slowed down and beckoned me to cross.  Initially, I thought this was a really nice thing for them to do… however they hadn’t noticed that there was fast moving traffic in the adjacent lane. While they were trying to help me out they were actually just beckoning me into an adjacent stream of fast moving traffic!


I signaled to them that I was fine waiting, and the driver wound down their window clearly angry that they had offered “help” that I did not take. Somewhat taken aback, I continued waiting until there was a gap in the traffic in both lanes and then carried on with my day.  However, it struck me that patterns like this occur in organizations all the time, and sometimes as BAs we might inadvertently beckon our stakeholders into dangerous situations…


For example, as BAs we are often the first to pick up the slack when there is a lack of resource elsewhere.  Has somebody forgotten to plan out who will support the solution when it goes live? No worry, we can jump in and help… after all, we specified it so we know how it works!  Before you know it you’re running a helpdesk alongside your day job, and it ends up running so well that you end up carrying out support duties for the rest of your career… Before you know it you’re managing a full-on support operation too and spend your day prioritizing service requests.


OK, so that’s a bit of an extreme example but you get the picture.  Of course, there are times when it makes sense to step in and help, and there are times when it makes sense for BAs to help with ongoing production support. Delivering change is a team effort, and BAs absolutely need to be team players.  Yet, it’s also important to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses as practitioners.  As an example, I’ve certainly helped out with testing in the past—but, I recognize I’m absolutely not a trained or professional tester!  I can help fill temporary gaps in resource to help execute tests, but I wouldn’t be the best person to write an entire QA strategy for a program. If I tried, I’d probably do it badly, and while this would fill an immediate gap (as a deliverable is produced) it would hurt the program in the long run (as the QA strategy would probably be full of holes).



The danger is that in an admirable attempt to be helpful, we can inadvertently hurt our stakeholders. If we step in, take on more work, working later each night there is a danger we are shielding the fact that there’s been inadequate planning. The person or group that did not plan properly doesn’t have to deal with the consequences (and might not even recognize that a mistake has been made). This robs them of the opportunity to learn and adapt. If they make a mistake in future it might be much bigger and more consequential—to draw parallels with the analogy I used earlier, we have just ‘beckoned them into traffic’ while trying to be helpful!


Think About Consequences & Ensure Feedback Flows

As I mentioned earlier, I’m absolutely not suggesting that we should become fixated on our role boundaries, nor that we should refuse to help out. However, we’ve probably all been in situations where we’ve felt ‘leant on’ or pressured by stakeholders to make problems go away or do things that are outside of our areas of expertise. Sometimes the only way this is achieved is by working late (i.e. sacrificing our own personal/family time), and in the short term that might be OK.  However, we should also ask “why did this happen?”, “am I the only/right person to do this?” and “how can we ensure that this doesn’t happen again?”.


In essence this is about ensuring that feedback flows freely around the organization. If someone planned badly, they need to know this so that suitable adaptations can be made to the schedule and so that they have the opportunity to adapt the way they plan in the future. While it’s well intentioned, quietly shielding others from feedback is actually just a recipe for repetition of the same mistakes.  It’s important to speak up, and give (and be receptive to) ongoing feedback, to adapt and pivot as necessary.  After all, change is hard, and we’re always learning as we go along.  Much as others help us learn, we can help others learn too.

Adaptive Practice Is Better Than “Lessons Learned”

We’ve probably all been there.  After months of stress, and weeks of late nights a project team celebrates as they manage to get a product ‘over the line’ just in the nick of time. You know the type of project, one that keeps very nearly going off-the-rails, and is skillfully kept on target by some skilled and dedicated change practitioners. Once the euphoria and celebrations of delivering have dispersed, a ‘lessons learned’ session is convened. After all, that’s the sensible thing to do, right?

We’ve probably all been to these meetings, and they can certainly be cathartic. Everyone takes the opportunity to get all of their grievances off their chest, which are duly written on sticky notes, sorted and captured as ‘lessons that have been learned’.  Somebody then types these up into a document, distributes them, and stores them in a central repository.  Well, I say ‘central repository’, what I really mean is ‘a black hole where information is thrown and will never see the light of day again’.

OK, I’m being slightly dramatic and facetious here, but how often are ‘lessons learned’ documents actually referred to? If a similar project is initiated again, do people actually go back and look and see what went wrong (and right) last time? Or do the documents just sit on the shelf collecting electronic dust.  As somebody much more intelligent than me once said “Heck, we should call these lessons documented not lessons learned!”.

Just Little Bits Of History Repeating

Surely individuals and teams that don’t take the opportunity to learn are destined to make the same mistakes again? And if we’re honest, don’t many organizations seem to make the same mistakes repeatedly?

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “ah, but we can have agile retrospectives (“retros”)! We’ll meet far more regularly and adapt as we go”.  And I would absolutely agree with you, when retros are held frequently and when adaptive action is taken, things can work really well.  However, some retros become ‘lip service’. If you have the same item raised in retro after retro after retro without any adaptation or action taken (assuming it’s something within the team’s control) then is it really working? Or has it become a ceremony repeated out of habit that has lost its original intent.

I am absolutely not arguing against retrospectives, or post-implementation reviews. However, sometimes it becomes corporate theater where people go through the motions, everyone knowing that nothing will change. If that’s the case, why not save a few hours a year in meetings and spend a few more hours on the beach?


Adaptive Practice

If we think about the essence of lessons learned and retrospectives, they are focusing on building adaptive practice. If we accept that ‘best practice’ in one context might not work at all in another, then it makes sense that we’ll need to constantly see what works, do more of the stuff that works well, and change the stuff that doesn’t.  Ideally, this will involve small chunks of valuable work with regular feedback being built in. There also needs to be a supportive culture where improvement—and by implication failure—can be openly discussed. Not all experiments will work: if a scientist reported 100% success rate on every experiment they’ve ever carried out (i.e. they claim every hypothesis they’ve ever formulated is correct) then we’d be suspicious. Shouldn’t the same skepticism of ‘repeated success’ be true in a business context, where there’s much less rigor than in a scientific context?

Reflecting on my own experiences, I’ve found it very useful to record real time feedback or real time ideas for improvement.  Or, as close to ‘real time’ as is possible. Let’s imagine a team meets every week or two to discuss improvement ideas. If you wait until those specific points to think about what to improve, the ideas will probably focus on the things that have been most painful, and the things that were most recent (after all, there are many cognitive biases that affect us as humans, including the recency bias).  With that in mind, it’s far more useful to jot things down as they occur.  I often jot things down in the margin of my notepad, or when I’m at my desk I use colored sticky notes.

Reflective journaling is another idea that I’ve tried in the past and really must get back into the habit of. Much as a researcher might keep a research diary, as practitioners who are speaking with many stakeholders and gaining information from many sources, writing a few lines of reflection each day (along with innovation and improvement ideas) is useful. After all, ideas have a tendency to evaporate if they are not written down and actioned.

Most of all though, it’s important to ask not just “what” is necessary, but “what next”, “who” and “when”. If there isn’t a concrete action associated with a “lesson” then it’s really just a pipe dream.  As practitioners of change we are perfectly positioned to help our teams and organizations embrace these changes.

The Power of the Pause in Elicitation

Understanding stakeholders’ true needs and perspectives can be difficult. There are many elicitation techniques within the BA toolkit, many of which (unsurprisingly) involve talking to people. After all, a key way to get to know somebody’s perspective is to ask them!

When speaking to a stakeholder, whether in a formal interview situation or in a less formal conversation, the temptation can be to flood the air with questions. This is particularly the case when the stakeholder has limited time—if you don’t know when you’ll get to meet them again, it seems crucial to use the time as efficiently as possible.

While this is no doubt true, there can be serious pitfalls awaiting those who speak at a hundred miles per hour (a mistake I suspect most of us have made from time to time!).  It is very easy to be so focused on finessing the next question, that some crucial statement by the interviewee is missed.  Quite often, interviewees don’t know exactly what we are looking out for and they may mention something that seems very routine to them, but is absolutely crucial to us.  They might mention this so quickly that a distracted interviewer would completely miss it.  These tidbits of information can make the difference between an eventual solution working well or badly.

The Power of Dead Air

It seems that we fear “dead air”.  It can be uncomfortable to leave a gap in our questioning. After all, what will the person think of us?  “Ah, that BA isn’t prepared! They kept pausing between their questions, they were making it up as they were going along!”.  Well, I suppose they might think that, but it seems somewhat unlikely.  A five-second pause might seem like an eternity to us, but it is barely perceivable to those we are eliciting information from.  In fact, it might even give them extra thinking time.  It gives them a few extra seconds to consider the answer they have given, and figure out if they have anything they’d like to add.

This is one area where note-taking provides us with an additional advantage.  It’s useful to take notes primarily so there’s a record of what was discussed.  However, the few seconds that it takes you to jot down some notes gives a natural “air gap” in conversation that allows your stakeholders to reflect. Of course, this is just one way of injecting a pause, but it’s one that can work really well.

“It Felt Like I Interrupted You There”

Another technique that can work well is to ask the stakeholder themselves whether they have anything to add.  A simple invitation such as “You look thoughtful, do you have something that you’d like to add?” or “I think I might have interrupted your flow earlier… Did you have something else to add about that topic?” or even the old classic “what else don’t I know?” can really help to broaden horizons.  Although these are simple techniques, they are by no means simplistic. In my experience, they can really help enhance an elicitation strategy to gain additional insight.

Overall, it’s important to conduct well-paced interviews and workshops, with pauses to allow reflection. Stakeholders will feel less rushed, and it’s likely a greater amount of insight will emerge.

BA Productivity Tip: Embrace The Checklist

Just about everyone I have ever met in the business change world is busy. Whether you’re a business analyst, product owner, project manager, or some other type of change practitioner, you probably find yourself juggling meetings, project work, emails, and lots more besides. No wonder there is seemingly a whole industry that revolves around automation and other ways of increasing personal productivity.

In this article, I want to share a secret with you. It’s probably one of the most effective productivity tips I have ever picked up, and it’s also one that is seemingly the most mundane. It’s also one that will probably (initially) make your eyes roll with either boredom or cynicism… strap yourself in!!


Yep, that’s it, the humble old checklist. I can almost hear the collective groan of disbelief, and believe me, I get it. As change practitioners our work is complicated. How on earth could some crazy BA be suggesting we reduce our work to a set of predictable steps. In reality, I’m certainly not trivializing our work, so I should probably explain…

The Checklist Manifesto

Friend, colleague and fellow BA Times author Christina Lovelock shares my love for checklists and introduced me to the fantastic book The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande. If you haven’t read it, I’d highly recommend it. The author, very eloquently in my opinion, makes the point that there are repeatable tasks even in the most complicated of vocations. Pilots use checklists to make sure they don’t miss anything or to navigate emergency situations where the most likely best set of decisions have been pre-decided. Apparently, surgeons use checklists too. If it’s good enough for aviation and medicine, surely there’s a potential for us too?

A key here is repeatability.  How many times a day do you end up wasting time making a decision that you’ve made hundreds of times before? Are there some decisions that you could ‘systemize’ with a checklist to reduce the cognitive burden? Here are some possible examples:

  1. Workshops:  Whether virtual or in-person, I have some skeleton checklists with key planning activities for workshops. There might be some activities on the checklist that I deliberately skip, but the list ensures that I consider them and don’t miss something obvious.
  2. Travel: Not something many of us is doing much of right now, but if you’ve ever arrived at a meeting without a crucial cable or converter you’ll know the value of a checklist!
  3. Validation and verification: Whenever a document is being reviewed for quality, accuracy and when it’s being signed off, it’s useful to consider what is being reviewed. In fact, when you think about it, some of the acronyms we use are a form of a checklist, aren’t they? (take the INVEST acronym for example).
  4. Elicitation questions: Every elicitation session is different, but I have several “question banks” that I use as inspiration. Not quite a checklist, but a similar concept.

There are probably hundreds of other examples too. The key, as with so many techniques, is intelligent application. Much like templates shouldn’t be followed dogmatically and should be adapted to a context, the same is true of checklists. Plus, they should be kept up to date and regularly revisited.  It should be noted, of course, there will be some things that don’t lend themselves to checklists at all (and there’s no point forcing a checklist somewhere it doesn’t fit).

So, checklists can help to reduce the cognitive burden and can help us decide something once but enact it many times. Perhaps this is a way of freeing some time in a busy schedule?