An End and a Beginning: A Practical Application of Business Analysis Techniques
Business analysis is not just an IT-related profession; it is a profession that has expression in every facet of life, and hence one of the reasons why you should take pride in this profession if you are a business analyst or why you should aspire to be one.
The tools and techniques are transferable skills that have applications or expressions in other aspects of life.
I briefly discuss two as the curtains close in 2023.
- Lessons learnt
- MoSCoW
Have you taken time to reflect on 2023 and list out the lessons learned? Making use of this powerful BA technique is one of the ways you can identify what went well in 2023, what didn’t go well, where you made mistakes, and what you can put in place to avoid those mistakes in 2024.
Note that this does not only apply to the current year or next year; rather, it is a set of business analysis techniques that can be applied to different seasons and phases of life.
- Lessons learnt
What went well?
A1: Why did it go well?
B: What didn’t go well?
B1: Why did it not go well?
C: What mistakes did I make?
D: What can I do to rectify or avoid the mistake in the future?
E: What are my achievements?
F: What lessons have I learned?
2. MoSCoW
Based on your analysis above and the lessons learned, you can draw up your plan for the future (the next phase).
A: What must be done?
B: What should be done?
C: What COULD be done
D: What won’t be done
This can also be seen as a positive thing to do in the new year and a negative thing to avoid.
While new year resolutions may be difficult for some, using the above BA skills should help you plan your coming year with hopefully less pressure.
Concluding Remarks
As a phase comes to an end and you look forward to a new beginning, take time to consider these business analysis techniques, take time to reflect on the lessons learned, and plan the MoSCow for the future.