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Tag: Leadership

Is a Systems Analyst a Business Analyst?

I hear this question and debate all the time! Here are some thoughts for both sides of this epic question of our time in our industry.

It is important to call out that titles and disciplines are different, and any title likely requires performing in multiple disciplines. Systems analyst and business analyst are job titles. Business analysis is a discipline.

It is also important to call out that systems analyst and business analyst as job titles are different from organization to organization and team to team. The variance in how these jobs are defined in job descriptions tells this story well. Given the variety of definitions, Systems Analyst roles fall into one or more of the following themes:

  1. Focus on supporting specific applications/systems.
  2. Focus on helping project teams understand the possible technologies that are feasible for given business or solution requirements.
  3. Focus on analyzing solution requirements to design and specify the functional and/or technical design of a solution.
  4. Focus on being functional and/or technical experts on a specific application and/ or usage of an application by user groups.
  5. Focus on a deep understanding of interactions between systems.

No, that’s not a BA:
Everything is about technology for a systems analyst and a business analyst focuses on a broader scope than just technology applications. Business analysis is about understanding business needs, the context around them and facilitating the change or solution (technical or not) to solve the business need. Technology applications may be a part of this, but they are not always the focus.

Yes, that’s a BA:
Systems analysts are solving business needs through technology and using many of the same tasks and techniques in the business analysis discipline to perform their role.

Other Considerations:
I believe that many systems analysts are performing business analysis as a discipline to varying degrees, at varying levels of detail and with varying levels of success depending on many internal and external factors.

Business analysis as a discipline is about analyzing and facilitating business change, which may or may not impact technology, though most business change efforts impact technology to some extent in today’s environment. Given this, most efforts involve systems analysis, so the question remains, who is performing business analysis and who is performing systems analysis? These roles must be performed, it is a question of title, and each organization structures work and resources differently to execute on delivering solutions.
I also believe that the answer to this depends on the approach taken towards the work effort. For example:

  • When identifying user needs as a systems analyst, is the focus on what the system should do, look like and how it should function? A business analysis approach is more focused on why the user has the need, what options there are to solve for it, and what impacts are systematically and non-systematically (people, process, context, etc . . .) part of the solution?
  • When documenting requirements as a systems analyst, is the focus on the system screens, fields, and files or on the process, rules, data, stakeholders and capabilities of the solution? A business analysis approach focuses on ensuring the capabilities and context (capabilities, process, rules, data) are understood and all stakeholders are heard from as a path to solving business needs.
  • When facilitating requirements meetings to elicit requirements as a systems analyst, is the focus on gathering and collecting requirements for an application or system, or understanding the business needs, drivers for change, current pain points, vision, internal and external factors, and impacts of the business change at hand. A business analysis approach focuses on eliciting what is behind and underneath stated requirements rather than collecting and gathering requirements.
  • When modelling the process as a systems analyst, is the process solely focused on what the system is doing? A business analysis approach is focused on the human interaction points, capabilities of what the users and system are doing (inputs, transformation, outputs) and system capabilities.
  • Would someone outside of the organization understand the requirements documentation? A business analysis approach favours understandable documentation to technical and non-technical audiences internal and external to the organization.

The more the approach uses a business analysis approach, the more likely business analysis techniques and discipline are used, and a higher percentage of business analysis is being done.

I believe that most systems analysts are doing business analysis, but the percentage of their work in the discipline varies by organization, team, and skill set.  Given this, there are also many business analysts who fit the above descriptions of a systems Analyst. And this doesn’t even mention the common title of business systems analyst!

My conclusion regarding the question “Are systems analysts actually business analysts?”

Yes, if they are using business analysis tasks and techniques to facilitate business change through their work with systems.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

BA as Creative Leader: What’s All the Fuss About?

Leadership is like genius, it is one of those concepts that is recognizable when you observe it in action, but is otherwise somewhat difficult to define.  And creative leadership is even harder to define because we haven’t been focusing on it in the context of business, unless we are talking about new product development.  But creativity and innovation in the business world is not just about product innovation.  It is also about innovative business relationships and alliances; ground-breaking processes that bring about efficiencies needed to be competitive; pioneering global supply chains and teams that take advantage of talent around the world; inventive technologies that blow away old models (think Kodak not converting to digital cameras quickly enough); modern approaches to public/private partnerships, and drastically improved project management and business analysis practices.

Leadership has been defined as:

  • The art of persuading or influencing other people to set aside their individual concerns and to pursue a common goal that is important for the welfare of the group; 
  • The ability to elicit extraordinary performance from ordinary people;
  • The capacity to integrate the goals of the organization with the aspirations of the people through a shared vision and committed action; and
  • The ability to motivate people to work toward a common goal.

While there are no gauges by which we can effectively measure the value of leadership, leadership is often the factor that makes one team more effective than another. When a team succeeds, we often remark about outstanding leadership abilities; when a team fails, the leader is likely to receive the blame.
Leadership is all about people. And it is about influence: it always involves actions by a leader (influencer) to affect (influence) the behavior of followers in a specific situation or activity. Three factors must be present for true leadership to take place:

  • Certain inherited characteristics that impart the inclination to become a leader;
  • Learned knowledge and skills about becoming a leader; and
  • The right situation that presents itself.

What does all this talk about Leadership have to do with Business Analysts?
So why are we talking about leadership with respect to BAs?  Because my posit is this: business analysts are well positioned to fill the gap in creative leadership at all levels of organizations.  To place themselves in leadership roles, BAs who have an inherent leadership disposition should begin now to elevate their role to one of creative leader: (1) to create the appropriate learning opportunities and (2) to influence their current situation and environment to be seen as that creative leader. I am laying down the gauntlet: challenging seasoned BAs to become creative leaders.

21st Century Leadership
In decades gone by, leadership in the business world was considered the province of just a few people that controlled the organization. In contrast, in today’s demanding, challenging, and ever changing business environment, organizations rely on a remarkable assortment of leaders that operate at varying levels of the enterprise. 21st century leadership looks very different from that of previous eras for several reasons:

  1. The economic environment is more volatile and complex than ever before;
  2. Much of the work is accomplished in teams, so there is a stronger than ever necessity for more leadership at differing levels of the organization; and
  3. Lifelong learning is at the heart of professional success. The most valuable employees will no longer stay in narrow functional areas but will be likely to work broadly across the enterprise.

As we transition from the traditional stovepipe, function-centric structures to the team- and project-centric workplace, we are seeing the emergence of creative leadership at the nucleus of 21st century business models. Work has been transformed from multiple workers performing a single task (many of these jobs have disappeared due to technology and outsourcing) to networks and teams that perform multiple activities on multiple projects, creating, inventing and re-inventing.  And 21st century projects are exceedingly complex so that we cannot manage them with the traditional command and control leadership style.
21st Century Change
Virtually all organizations of any size are investing in large-scale transformations of one kind or another. Contemporary changes are about adding value to the organization through breakthrough ideas, optimizing business processes, and using information technology (IT) and the Internet as a competitive advantage. These initiatives are often generated by mergers or acquisitions, new strategies, global competition, or the emergence of new technologies.

Other programs are launched to implement new or reengineered business systems to drive waste out of business operations. Still others are spawned because of the need to innovate, adapt, or evaporate.

While today’s organizations are engaged in virtually hundreds of ongoing projects of varying sizes, durations, and levels of complexity, many are trying to reduce the number of trivial projects to invest in more critical, game-changing strategic initiatives. Since business strategy is largely achieved through projects, projects are essential to the growth and competitive survival of organizations. They create value as a response to changes in the business environment, the competition, and the marketplace.
Management versus Leadership: Who has the Power?
There are subtle differences between management and leadership, and how each amasses power and strength.  The differences manifest themselves in how individuals motivate others.  Managers have subordinates, while leaders have followers.  Managers are often risk averse; whereas, leaders are risk seekers. [1]

Management is about Operating Effectively
Management know-how involves establishing and executing a set of processes that keep complicated systems operating efficiently. Managers have authority by virtue of their title and position.  Key facets of management involve strategic and business planning, budgeting, organizing, staffing, controlling, and problem solving.  Organizations tend to implement management processes to impose discipline and to control the looming chaos.  The predicament then turns out to be about the avoidance of becoming too bureaucratic so as to squash creativity and innovation.  Some say management is just about keeping bureaucracies functioning, so they often resist change that leads to innovation.

Leadership is about Changing Effectively
Leadership is a different set of processes, those that create a new organization and change it when the business environment shifts. Leadership involves establishing direction and aligning, motivating, and inspiring people to produce change. The irony is that as new entrepreneurial organizations grow to a sustainable scale through creativity and innovation, managerial processes need to be put into place to cope with the growth and control the unruliness.  As the organization succeeds and managerial processes are put in place, self-importance and arrogance break the surface and a strong culture that is dead set against change emerges.[2]  Whereas, 21st century creative leadership is all about welcoming and embracing change – in fact, creating disruptive change.  The astute and influential business analyst is primed to play a strong role in resolving the inevitable tension and conflict between resistance to change and the need to innovate.

To Lead is to have Strength that Inspires People
And then there is power.  Power is something that is bestowed on an individual by someone else that imparts the authority to get things done even when others resist; whereas, leadership is about inspiring people to want to get the same things accomplished that you do, and enabling them to do it.  Val Williams, executive coach, tells us that:

Power is often tied to position: being a CEO, a manager, partner, judge, parent, senator.  If you have power, you can impact the lives of others. Strength is not dependent on any position: The concept of strength implies not what you can do to others; but what you can create from your own resources. Where power sometimes motivates people through fear, strength leads people through inspiration. Strength connotes charisma, attractiveness. People more naturally follow a strong person. They are motivated to act by something beyond that person’s title.[3] 
Strength is very much like leadership.  People want to follow a strong person, one who is credible, attractive, results-oriented, and fun to work with.  Effective project leaders, including the business analyst, are effective at their craft through leadership and strength, not through power and authority. 

BA Leadership at the Project Level
BAs are in a leadership role in projects.  Informal straw polls that I have conducted in multiple companies indicate that project leadership is now shared between the PM and BA.  For complex projects, leadership should also be shared with the business visionary and the lead technologist(s). Indeed, every time a BA facilitates a group she is in a leadership role.  It is the context of the facilitated session that determines whether the results are incremental changes to business as usual, or innovative changes to the way we do things.

BA Leadership at the Enterprise Level (the Corporate, Strategic Level)
It is at the corporate level that we are experiencing the biggest gap in business analysts as creative leaders.  It is at this level that enterprise-focused BAs have the best opportunity to ensure the organization is being creative and innovative.  The Enterprise Analysis led by corporate BAs fill the yawning gap in capabilities between strategy and execution. Also see our Blog: for more information on BA proficiency at the corporate level.

The business analyst who is working at the corporate level provides information about opportunities to executives to develop a portfolio of valuable projects. The BA relieves the organization from what is called the burden of analysis that is needed, but often missing, to envision, experiment, and prototype to identify truly innovative solutions prior to investing in new change initiatives.  The Enterprise BA fosters the inspiration and a collaborative environment to bring about innovation.  I call this ICI-notBAU: Inspiration, Collaboration, Innovation-not Business As Usual.

Transitioning to World-Class Project Leaders
The talents of the Enterprise BA are more critical than ever to keep the focus on the business innovation. However, many companies fail to involve their best BAs at the corporate level in determining the most innovative solutions.  Too often, they keep BAs involved in eliciting tactically-focused, detailed requirements for projects, without spending enough energy on creativity and innovation prior to project execution. For BAs to be considered creative leaders operating at the corporate level, they must transition their skills, competencies, focus, and influence as depicted in the table below.

Apr3 Kitty1With so much riding on successful projects, the business analyst is emerging to fill the gap in creativity, analyze the business and the competitive environment, and provide the expert facilitation needed to achieve ICI-notBAU; the project manager has risen to the role of strategic implementer; and cross-functional leadership teams have become management’s strategic tool to convert strategy to achievement.  When the project manager and business analyst form a strong partnership with the business and technology teams, organizations will begin to reap the maximum value of both disciplines. As the business analysis and project management disciplines mature into strategic business practices, so must our project leaders evolve into strategic leaders of change.

It’s a  BIG Cultural Change

Finding the Creative Solution

Mature organizations devote a significant amount of time and energy to conducting due diligence and encouraging experimentation and creativity before rushing to construction.  These due diligence activities take the form of: enterprise analysis, competitive analysis, problem analysis, and creative solution alternative analysis performed prior to selecting and prioritizing projects. This new approach involves a significant cultural shift for most organizations – spending more time up front to make certain the solution is creative, innovative, and even disruptive.

The Business Analyst as Change Agent: Changing the Way We Do Projects
Culture in an organization is durable, because it is the way we do things around here. Changing the way we determine solutions to business problems, select projects, develop and manage requirements, and manage projects while focusing not only on business value, but also on innovation is often a significant change for organizations. Change is hard, and change takes a long time. But the need is urgent! We need to step up our game.

Rita Hadden, specialist in software best practices, process improvement, and corporate culture change, provides us with some insight into the enormity of the effort to truly change the way we do projects.[4] Hadden suggests you must have a management plan to deal with the technical complexity of the change and a leadership plan to address the human aspects of the change (I call this the Political Management Plan).

Creative leaders need to understand the concerns and motivations of the people they hope to influence. They ought to clearly define the desired outcomes for the change and how to measure progress, assess the organization’s readiness for change, and develop plans to minimize the barriers to success. The goal is to create a critical mass so BAs in the organization integrate creativity into their projects.  Therefore, to become leaders in their organizations, business analysts need to learn all about change management – becoming skilled change experts.

The Business Analyst as Visionary
The BA needs to document the vision in the business case and infuse a common vision into the team and all key stakeholders. A clear vision helps to direct, align, and inspire actions. Without a clear vision, a lofty transformation plan can be reduced to a list of inconsequential projects that sap energy and drain valuable resources. Most importantly, a clear vision guides decision making so that every decision that needs to be made is not arrived at through unneeded debate and conflict. Yet, we continue to underestimate the power of vision.

The Business Analyst as Credible Leader
The BA needs to develop and sustain a high level of credibility. Credible business professionals are sought out by all organizations. People want to be associated with them. They are thought of as being trustworthy, reliable, sincere – and creative. The business analyst can develop his or her credibility by becoming proficient at these critical skills, all of which should be part of your learning and development plan:

  • Thinking holistically; looking at the entire ecosystem surrounding the company and business process
  • Facilitating teams expertly
  • Setting direction and providing vision
  • Practicing business outcome thinking
  • Conceptualizing and fostering creatively
  • Building strong relationships
  • Using robust communication techniques  
  • Building high-performing teams
  • Listening effectively and encouraging new ideas
  • Seeking responsibility and accepting accountability
  • Focusing and motivating your group to achieve what is important
  • Managing complexity dimensions to reduce project risks
  • Welcoming changes that add value to the solution.

The Business Analyst as Trusted Leader
The BA needs to be trusted – capable of being believed. Above all, a BA must strive to be a reliable source of information. Credibility is composed of both trustworthiness and expertise.  In addition, colleagues often judge credibility on subjective factors such as enthusiasm and even physical appearance. At the end of the day, professional presence, ethics and integrity are the cornerstone of credibility.
Creative Leadership is Different
Creativity has always been important in the world of business, but until now it hasn’t been at the top of the management agenda.  Perhaps this is because creativity was considered too vague, too hard to pin down. Or even more likely, because concentrating on it produced a less immediate dividend than improving execution, it hasn’t been the focus of management attention. Although there are similarities in the roles of manager, leader, and creative leader, there are subtle differences as well. The table below shows the distinctions between these roles.




Creative Leader

Define what must be done



Planning and budgeting

n  Short timeframe

n  Detail-oriented

n  Eliminate risk

Establishing direction

n  Long timeframe

n  Big picture

n  Calculated risk

Establishing breakthrough goals and objectives

n  Envisioning the future mission and direction

n  Forging new strategy

Create networks of people and relationships

Organizing and staffing

n  Specialization

n  Getting the right people

n  Compliance


Aligning people

n  Integration

n  Aligning the organization

n  Gaining commitment

Aligning teams and stakeholders to the future vision:

n  Innovation

n  Urgency

n  Out of the Building expectations

n  Political mastery

n  Global teams

Ensure the job gets done

Controlling and problem solving

n  Containment

n  Control

n  Predictability


Motivating and inspiring

n  Empowerment

n  Expansion

n  Energizing

Building creative teams 

n  High performance

n  Trust

n  Empowerment

n  Courageous disruption

n  Innovation

Exhibit 4-4: Comparing Managers, Leaders, and Creative Leaders

A Culture of Creativity

Since creativity is the ability to produce something novel, we have long acknowledged that creativity is essential to the entrepreneurship that starts new businesses.  But what sustains the best companies as they attempt to achieve a global reach?  We are now beginning to realize that in the 21st century, sustainability is about creativity, transformation, and innovation.  Although academia has focused on creativity for years (we have decades of research to draw on) [5] the shift to a more innovation-driven economy has been sudden – as evidenced in the fact that COEs today lament the absence of creative leaders.  

As competitive positioning turns into a contest of who can generate the best and greatest number of innovations, creativity scholars are being asked pointed questions about their research.  What guidance is available for leaders in creativity-dependent businesses?  How do we creatively manage the complexities of this new global environment?  How do we find creative leaders, and how do we nurture and manage them?  Does every project solution need to be innovative? The conclusion of participants in the colloquium, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, and Organizations of the Futureat Harvard Business School was: “one doesn’t manage creativity; one manages for creativity.”[6]  Management’s role is to get the creative people, position them at the right time and place, remove all barriers imposed upon them by the organization, and then get out of their way.

Innovation: the Real Business Need
We are challenging BAs to re-think their approach, to not just record what the business is doing or wants to do, but to operate as a lightening rod to stimulate ICI-notBAU To do so, business analysts are also re-thinking the role of the customers and users they facilitate, looking upon them as a creative resource that can imagine, invent, and re-invent.  Good, sometimes great ideas often come from operational levels of organizations when workers are given a large degree of autonomy. 

To stay competitive in the 21st century, CEOs are attempting to distribute creative responsibility up, down and across the organization.  Success is unsustainable if it depends too much on the ingenuity of a single person or persons, as is too often seen with start-ups that flourish for a few years and then fall flat; they were not built to last, to continually innovate.  It is no longer about continuous improvement; it is about continuous innovation.  It is the BA who works across and up and down organizations – getting the right people at the right time and in the right place – to fan the flames of creativity. If not the BA, then who?

What does Creative Leadership look like?
There are many distinguishing beliefs and characteristics in the observable behavior of creative leaders.  According to John McCann, educator, facilitator and consultant, creative leaders:

  • Believe in the capability of others, offer them challenging opportunities, and delegate responsibility to them
  • Know that people feel a commitment to a decision if they feel they have participated in making it
  • Understand that people strive to meet other people’s expectations
  • Value individuality
  • Exemplify creativity in their own behavior and provide an environment that encourages and rewards creativity in others
  • Are skillful in managing change
  • Emphasize internal motivators over external motivators
  • Encourage people to be self-directing.[7]

Constructive Dialogue
McCann poses the question: “So where can creativity, ambiguity, tension, and decisiveness come together in a healthy environment that regards the integrity of the individual and the value of the organization equally?”  He then makes the case that this is accomplished only through constructive and well-facilitated dialogue, precisely the BA’s trade craft.[8] 

The value of lively discussion is that it encourages an exploration of ideas and shared learning about what is possible. Groups of individuals with differing perspectives can be more insightful, more effective than can individuals. The IQ of a team has the potential to be much greater than the IQ of one person.  Better decisions are almost always reached by groups of diverse thinkers than by individuals.  According to McCann, this coming together of creativity, ambiguity, tension, and decisiveness is accomplished through the skilled and credible facilitator (who but the BA?) who sets the stage for groups to engage in productive dialogue.  The BA is perfectly positioned to be that credible leader and facilitator who sets these conditions in motion that lead to creativity: Participants are willing to have their beliefs examined and reexamined;

  • Participants look upon each other with respect and realize the benefits that come from open and candid discussion; and finally,
  • There is a facilitator who holds the context and allows everyone to participate equally.[9]

Expert Facilitation
The business analyst as creative leader combines open dialogue using expert facilitation and creativity-inducing tools (discussed in future articles) for stimulating the sharing of unique ideas.  Just as the IQ of the group rises higher than that of any one individual, the CQ, creativity quotient, can potentially be much greater as well.  Therefore, organizations desperately need BAs who can encourage creativity and help groups raise their CQ. 

An Art and a Discipline
As BAs learn to use expert facilitation as their foremost creativity-inducing tool, they are prudent to take into account the views of John Kao, director of the Idea Factory and author of: Jamming, The Art and Discipline of Business Creativity. According to Kao, for individuals to feel they are truly responsible for their own decisions, they must be instilled with what Kao calls a “Creativity Bill of Rights.” When performing their craft, BAs instill these beliefs:

  • Everyone is creative.
  • All ideas deserve an impartial hearing.
  • Creativity is part of every job description.
  • Shutting down dialogue prematurely and excessive judgment are fundamental transgressions.
  • Creativity is about finding balance between art and discipline.
  • Creativity involves openness to an extensive variety of inputs.
  • Experiments are always encouraged.
  • Dignified failure is respectable; poor implementation or bad choices are not.
  • Creativity involves mastery of change.
  • Creativity involves a balance of intuition and facts.
  • Creativity can and should be managed.  The expert BA instinctively knows when to bring the dialogue to a close.
  • Creative work is not an excuse for chaos, disarray or sloppiness in execution.[10]

Thinking “Outside the Building”
“The greatest future breakthroughs will come from leaders who encourage thinking outside a whole building full of boxes.”
Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Arbuckle Professorship at Harvard Business School and author of  SuperCorp (Crown, 2009).
So, what kind of barriers do we expect to encounter when BAs make an attempt to become the creative leader organizations need today?  There is a formidable set of customs that exist in any organization that the creative leader must learn to penetrate.  In her Harvard Business Review column, it is the cultural barriers that Rosabeth Kanter calls “inside the building thinking” that may pose the strongest obstruction to innovation.  While we are all familiar with “out of the box” thinking, Kanter pushes the envelope and asks us to consider both “inside the building” and “outside the building” thinking. 

Inside-the-building thinking is the hallmark of establishments, whose structures inhibit innovation. Once the architecture is set, vested interests divide up the floors and reinforce existing patterns and practices. Even change-oriented inside-the-building thinkers take organization and industry structures for granted. They pay most attention to similar-looking competitors in markets already served. They focus on enhancing the use of existing capabilities rather than developing new solutions to emerging problems.[11] 

What does this mean for the skilled and credible facilitator who sets the stage for groups to engage in productive dialogue?  Business analysts have got to be cognizant of the fact that their first inclination – and the first tendency of their groups of stakeholders – will be to limit their options by focusing on similar companies doing comparable things.  So it is up to the business analyst to beware of and encourage the group to penetrate the inside-the-building boundaries.

What does a Real Focus on Innovation Look Like?
Kanter provides us with a few examples:

  • New product development companies place engineers in customers’ facilities to shorten feedback loops for rapid prototyping of new products.
  • A bank in Brazil increases its attractiveness to top talent by mounting crime-reduction and cleanup efforts in bank neighborhoods.
  • To speed innovation, one company identified consumers’ needs by living in people’s homes.
  • Interconnected systems can transform life outside, as well as inside, school buildings to improve learning. In one low-income community, a network of nonprofit organizations focusing on the entire ecosystem of a student’s world has demonstrated dramatic improvements in school performance and college attendance.
  • In health care, we see many examples.  Primary care, family medicine, and nurse practitioner groups performing work that is typically done in hospitals. Paraprofessionals administering screenings and immunizations. Public schools serving as frontline disease prevention and monitoring centers. Clinics operating in retail drug and mega-retail stores. 
  • Innovation teams set apart from business operations teams that accomplish real transformative improvements in record time.

Kanter urges us to use system thinking and open mindedness when working with stakeholders to innovate, solve a problem, or seize a new opportunity.  To unleash creativity, BAs have got to challenge their stakeholders to use not only systems thinking, but also complexity thinking and out-of-the-building thinking, to look at the entire ecosystem that surrounds their organizations.  It is then that we have set the stage to bring about lasting innovation.

Putting it All Together: What Does This Mean to the Business Analyst? Becoming a Creative Leader

“Leadership is the capacity to mobilize people toward valued goals; that is, to produce sustainable change — sustainable because it’s good for you and for the people who matter most to you.”  Stew Friedman, Author, Professor, Innovator

Stew Friedman, Practice Professor of Management at the Wharton School, former head of Ford Motor’s Leadership Development Center, and author of “Total Leadership: Be a Better Leader, Have a Richer Life posed this question to business leaders across the country: “What kind of leadership do we need now?”  The most often response was: adaptive, flexible, and innovative.   Because of the ever-present sense of turbulence in most of our lives these days, the leadership attribute that comes to mind most often is the means for dealing with chaos. According to Friedman, it boils down to this: playful creativity.[12]  Friedman’s philosophy is reasonably straightforward.  Friedman believes that leadership can exist in every person, regardless of the organizational level or title.[13]

Creative leaders produce sustainable change.  We have provided lots of food for thought as you strive to become the creative leader, and strive you must because creative leadership is gravely needed for your organization to survive.  Your power will come from your professional presence, your credibility and expertise, and your ability to inspire groups to get creative things done – to bring about disruptive change.  As organizations mature in their use of business analysts, you may derive some of your power from positioning in the company, but without a doubt, it is through creative leadership that you will thrive.

Look for Next Month’s Article: How Capable Do Business Analysts Need to be to Ignite Creativity?

Don’t forget to leave your comments below. 

[1] Val Williams. Leadership versus Management. Online at: (accessed August 2010).
[2] John P. Kotter, Leading Change (Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, 1996).
[3] Val Williams. Leadership: Strength versus Power. Online at: (accessed August 2010).
[4] 3. Rita Chao Hadden, Leading Culture Change in Your Software Organization: Delivering Results Early (Vienna, VA: Management Concepts, 2003).
[5] Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman. The Creativity Crisis. (Newsweek, July 19, 2010), 44-50.
[6] Teresa M. Amabile and Mukti Khaire. Creativity and the Role of the Leader. (Harvard Business Review: October 2008) Online at: July 2010).
[7] John M. McCann. Leadership As Creativity: Finding the Opportunity Hidden Within Decision Making and Dialogue (National Endowment for the Arts) Online at: (accessed July 2010).
[8] Ibid.
[9] John M. McCann. Leadership As Creativity: Finding the Opportunity Hidden Within Decision Making and Dialogue (National Endowment for the Arts) Online at: (accessed July 2010).
[10] John Kao, Jamming, The Art and Discipline of Business Creativity.(New York, NY: Harper Collins, 1996)
[11] Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Column: Think Outside the Building (Harvard Business Review, The Magazine: March 2010). Online at: (accessed August 2010).
[12] Stew Friedman. Become a More Creative Leader – Think Small. (Harvard Business Review, Blogs: June 15, 2009). Online at: (accessed August 2010).
[13] Marci Alboher. Hot Ticket in B-School: Bringing Life Values to Corporate Ethics. (New York Times, May 29, 2008). Online at:  (accessed August 2010).

The Best Virtual Meeting…EVER! Five Fun Games to Engage Your Virtual Project Group!

Do you ever have those days when go you off on philosophical tangents? You know, those cold, gloomy mornings when you stare out the window, coffee mug in hand, wondering, “Does a fish know what water is?”, “Is the colour red really universal?” or “Is Robert from marketing a real person?”

We’ve all been there. The truth is it’s hard for virtual project groups to bond on a personal level with other group members…partly (well, mostly) because we may not even know what the other person looks like! Without bonding, the results could be dangerous. The University of California, San Francisco, lists some of the common symptoms of a disengaged team:

  • Decreased productivity
  • Conflicts or hostility among staff members
  • Confusion about assignments, missed signals and unclear relationships
  • Decisions misunderstood or not carried through properly
  • Apathy and lack of involvement

And there’s more:

  • Lack of initiation, imagination, innovation; routine actions taken for solving complex problems
  • Complaints of discrimination or favouritism
  • Ineffective staff meetings, low participation, minimally effective decisions
  • Negative reactions to the manager
  • Complaints about quality of service

And there’s still more! A 2009 article from the Occupational and Environmental Medicine showed that a lack of team spirit can even cause employee depression…But don’t panic!

Before you scurry off to Google, furiously searching “how to engage virtual project groups” — take a breath. We’ve done the work for you. Here are some innovative games that are sure to have your team amused and engaged in no time.

1) Virtual Charades – Charades is a great game that builds group spirit, whether in a traditional workplace or a virtual one. If your company usually sets up video conferences for meetings, this is definitely a game that will have everyone working together, solving problems and having fun along the way. If you’re unfamiliar with the game, Charades requires the player to mime or imitate a certain action or subject that the rest of the team has to figure out. For more information on how to play, click here .

For those who use voice chat instead of video chat, there’s a fun alternative for you too — Voice Charades. For Voice Charades, create a secret list of objects, animals or famous people. To decide who will go first, enter all team member names onto a site such as and choose the first name that shows up. Email or send an individual/private instant message to this team member letting them know what they will be acting out. Remember to keep the clues work-appropriate and respectful of others. Have fun guessing what/who the person is imitating. Some entertaining suggestions are:

  • Printer sound
  • Al Pacino impersonation
  • Star Wars Light saber
  • Monday traffic
  • Radio anchorman

2) Spin a Tale – This fun game fosters creativity and helps team members think on their feet. During a meeting, make up the first line of a story. Then ask team members to take turns and add each subsequent line until a whole plot develops! Let the story go along on its own path and deviations. This is the fun part of the game; you never know what perils or fortunes can occur next! The best thing is, even though your team may develop favourite start tags, the story will never end up the same! In other words, you learn how to think innovatively. Here are some ways you can start your tale:

  • I woke up at 9am — that was when we were supposed to Skype in for the meeting…
  • Jared looked over the ledge of his balcony, wondering why the crowd had gathered…
  • The email had no subject line…I hate it when he does that…
  • Fifteen years, 15 days, 15 hours and finally the letter had come…
  • As Sophia hid behind the red SUV in the parking lot, she tried to remember how exactly she had gotten there…and why there was that giant scar on her arm…

3) Situation Puzzles Situation puzzles are an exciting way to exercise creative problem-solving skills while also building team unity. In a situation puzzle, the team leader states one mysterious sentence such as, “a bell rings, a man dies, a bell rings”.* The rest of the team must now solve the situation by asking “Yes” or “No” questions. As each question unearths new information, the team can creatively build on each other’s thought patterns and ideas until all the loose ends are tied. A great reservoir of situation puzzles can be found here!   *(Click here for the answer)

4) PowerPoint Game  You will never look at PowerPoint presentations in the same light after this game! This is a great way to get group members thinking on their feet while having loads of fun. To play the PowerPoint game, go online and find a series of complicated or extremely nonsensical PowerPoint presentations (try SlideShare). Then ask team members to improvise a presentation with the slides they’re using. Hilarity is bound to ensue! Go here for more information about the PowerPoint game.

5) 2-Minute LOL  This is another improvisation game that will get everyone thinking fast, learning about team members and literally laughing out loud. First, divide the team into smaller groups or partners. Then give each group a topic or let them choose one. Allow each team about five to ten minutes to create a set of jokes based on their topic. Make sure they have this discussion in a separate virtual conversation so that the rest of the team does not hear the punch lines beforehand. When everyone regroups, randomly choose a group to go first while timing their comedy improvisation for two minutes. Once again, remember to keep all jokes respectful and workplace-appropriate. Award the funniest team with a gift card or some other form of prize!

And there you have it — five amazing ways to engage your virtual project group! Try them out and let us know which game your team liked the best! And if five tips aren’t enough, here’s a whole book full of tipsAcross the Hall, Around the World is the ultimate archive of virtual team-building tips that’s sure to get your team engaged!

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Claire Sookman is the driving force behind Virtual Team Builders, Claire brings to the table over a decade’s worth of corporate and public sector training experience, working with over 4,500 managers in the past three years. Specializing in virtual team building and communication strategies, Virtual Team Builders provides training that enables global teams to work more efficiently.

The Missing Link to BA Competency Development

When I think about what it takes for BAs to be successful, it always comes down to the same thing: Using hard skills and soft skills together strategically to get results and engagement from stakeholders. When I think about what it takes to execute on any BA activity or technique and to be good at it, it is rare to find a scenario when both hard skills and soft skills are not needed. This may not be new to anyone as underlying competencies (many of which are soft skills) are foundational to performing the various BA tasks. Where we fall down on this is in executing this concept well in a variety of situations and complexity levels and showing the path to truly deepen these competencies.

Why is it that we rarely look at the path to developing skills in underlying competencies in the context of BA tasks and techniques? Or when they require an elevated and advanced level of complexity to execute well?

I would like to look more closely at these skills in additional dimensions.

For example: It is easy for someone to say they have been trained in facilitation, and may have some successes and good experiences in facilitation, and therefore they feel they are a great facilitator. But what does it really mean to be a great facilitator? Are those learned skills and experiences really enough to succeed in new and more complex situations? Would they really be successful in facilitating a highly complex topic while working to build consensus with a group of executives?

A BA organizes and facilitates a meeting with a group of stakeholders to review the future state of a business process. The process flow being reviewed was technically correct and the facilitation methods, tone and techniques were flawlessly used. However, the meeting still failed to achieve a desired goal of reaching consensus from a group of executives on the future vision of the business process. 

What happened?

This was an opportunity to strategically use the skills of facilitation and process modelling together aligned to the purpose of the meeting. In this example, what gets missed is thinking about the goals and purpose of the meeting as well as the audience, and thinking about how to use these hard and soft skills strategically for the purpose. In many cases like the scenario above, the process flow and meeting planning were thought of as needed together, but not strategically planned and executed together; they were performed as separate tasks in the same meeting. There is an opportunity for the meeting goals, agenda, and expected participation to drive the level of detail that the process flow is presented at.   The review and discussion, along with expectation setting with the participants on the level of detail is critical to the success of the meeting. This was a missed opportunity to engage executives in the facilitation techniques used by modelling at a higher level appropriate to the ways they engage.

The soft skills needed to be a great business analyst are difficult to develop. It is hard to find resources, mentoring, etc. that really help develop these skills in the context of being a BA in a variety of contexts, situations and different stakeholder groups.

We hear from our leaders about how important soft skills are, and are usually trained on them separately from BA tasks, activities and techniques. It can be a challenge to apply what is learned to the BA context. Rarely do we discuss or hear about leveraging them together. This makes it difficult to grow and apply the skills and build awareness of when to use soft skills. Some would say it is intuition, and either you have it or you don’t. I believe there is some truth to that, but that much can be learned through developing experience and awareness.

My callout to the leaders of BAs:

Give mentoring and feedback that shows the context and linkage of soft skills and hard skills together to your BAs in the context of business analysis. Help your BAs build an awareness of situational complexities.

My callout to BAs:

Seek feedback in specific situations on a variety of soft skills and how the situation and tactical activity could be improved through soft skills.

Focus more on developing these skills together and seeking feedback on how we use these skills together.

Truly bringing tactical and influence skills together by thinking differently about how we plan and execute our BA activities and technique usage is key to developing strong competencies as a BA. 

What are your thoughts and examples of how BAs can leverage tactical hard skills with influential soft skills? 

Don’t forget to leave your comments below. 

Meet Your Business Analysis Influencer

Kupe_Mar_6_2012_32083524_XSMy goal in life is to meet everyone in the world.  I know that goal is not SMART (specific, realistic, etc.). It is not reaching the goal that is important; it is the effort I go through to try and meet the goal that counts. The goal goes deeper than just “meeting” people. I try to meet everyone I can and establish a relationship. Building strong relationships is a constant, consistent goal of mine. Some grow deeper than others, but I don’t discriminate. I meet and engage with people sometimes without knowing how I will add value to that person or how they will add value to me. For some this is a hard concept to grasp. Some feel so busy and can’t fathom spending time getting to know someone new without knowing why you should get to know them.
 We work in a highly collaborative work environment. You don’t have to do everything on your own. If you build strong relationship people are more willing to help you. So if you are too busy to build relationships it is because you are not building relationships.

If you still need some convincing regarding building relationships, here is one big reason you should bother. Build relationships to ensure your message is delivered. This thought popped into my head after seeing an interview with Bono, lead singer of U2. He is a huge advocate to reduce or eliminate the AIDS virus. He has helped raise money and awareness that is dramatically helping the cause. But Bono is not a doctor. He does not work for the Center of Disease Control.  He is not trained to do the research, administer tests or provide medicine to patients. What he does do is use his influence to help raise money to support the cause. He uses his influence to convince lawmakers they should allocate funds and resources to support the cause.  He delivers the message.

I speak with many BA professionals that get frustrated when they can’t convince their management that they need more focus on the BA practice. I speak with many BA professionals that realize projects are not going well, but are not sure how to get their message to the right person. Sometimes you don’t have the influence necessary to get your message across. Does that mean you should stop? Of course not.  You need to detach the message from the delivery of the message. The point is not who delivers the message; the point is that the message gets delivered. 

Most likely Bono won’t be stopping by your office anytime soon trying to convince your management that they need to fund your effort to start a Business Analysis Community of Practice. Go out and meet some new people in your company at all levels.  Who knows, maybe they’ll be delivering a message for you.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.