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Better Tools: Efficient Table Management

As a Business Analyst, I know that models and diagrams are the most effective way of expressing ideas, information, and outcomes. However, no matter how much I use visual content, I am often required to prepare text-heavy documents.

Whether it is requirements statements, business cases, service levels, project reports or dozens of other documents, sometimes I need to prepare written content as efficiently as possible.

To present written content, I try to maximise my use of tables, typically using Microsoft Word. I found the that the standard table tools in Word were not as efficient as I needed, so I set out to address these deficiencies.

This article outlines my thoughts on why tables are so effective, and indicates the improvements that I have made to Word’s table management features. I then describe the techniques I used to build them, and provide a link where you can find further details and copies of each of the tools.

What Tables Offer

From a BA perspective, I believe tables provide the following benefits:

Item Feature Comment
1 Conciseness
  • The limited space in a table drives a focus on recording key information. Unnecessary content is discouraged.
  • Bullet points are encouraged.
  • Short phrases, possibly ungrammatical, can be used.
2 Usability
  • Readers are much more likely to scan a table; large amounts of information can be viewed at a glance.
  • Tables also allow the reader to spot patterns and search for detail that would otherwise be lost in regular text.
  • Tables focus attention onto the key points on the page.
3 Context
  • The column and row headings provide context to table entries that would be lengthy and repetitive to record in regular text.
4 Structure
  • The order of rows and their presence in particular sections conveys important structural information.
  • Numbering rows aids the review process and provides traceability.
5 Speed
  • Tables allow information to be captured and formatted quickly. This is important for BAs working to deadlines.

Renumbering Improvements

For me, the main issue with Word’s standard tools was the lack automated row renumbering. There is real value in having consistently numbered rows, but without some sort of renumbering, inserting a row into an existing numbered table of can be a real pain. For example, when creating a list of requirements, I need to add new entries and move items around. I then want the numbering to adjust accordingly.

In some documents, I need to build several lists, so I need the ability to add a prefix to the numbering in each table, so that across the document as a whole, each entry is unique.

Sometimes I need to reliably lock down the numbering in a given table so that new entries don’t automatically change those that already exist. I can then safely renumber the new rows manually.

Appearances matter too, at times I need to use different numbering styles, from the simple (1,2,3,…) to more complex formats such as (A.1, A.2, A.3,…) or (NF-01, NF-02,NF-03…) that involve different sections within a given table, and using different separators, with or without leading zeros.

Word does offer some basic tools for this kind of formatting. For example, it allows you to use outline numbered lists in the first column of a table. I have found these to be tricky to use, especially with prefixes, and it is hard to lock down the numbering at a certain point, so you can be sure that nothing changes.

To address these issues, I decided to write my own one-touch renumbering process.

Inserting and Deleting Improvements

One of my key requirements is the ability to quickly add new rows. I often need to record several new ideas in a table very quickly, for example, when recording workshop findings during rapid discussion.

Word lets you insert lines, but this can require several keystrokes, and you have to be careful how you do it. In Word, it matters whether you insert above or below the current line. I would often get it wrong, and end up with section or heading row formatting copied into the body of the table, and have to use even more keystrokes to correct this.

I decided I needed a one-touch insert function that reliably inserted (say) 5 blank lines below the current line and positioned the cursor ready for rapid entry.

Creating blank lines for quick entry means occasional empty, unused lines. I decided I needed a table clean-up routine to remove unwanted rows before the renumbering started.

Having a one-touch insert function suggested the need for a complementary one-touch delete, something that would delete rows if rows were selected, or regular text if that was selected instead.

Getting Started with the Build.

Microsoft Office comes with a development tool called VBA. You can get started with VBA by having Word record a series of keystrokes and then see how these actions have been converted into VBA code ready for repetitive use. There is a vast amount of information on the web about getting started with VBA, and most BAs will be productive in just an hour or two.

I decided that my table tools would be launched by shortcut keys rather than by using the Ribbon menu. Ribbon coding isn’t for the faint-hearted, and for speed reasons I wanted to keep my fingers on the keyboard as much as possible.

I needed a way of making the tools available to any document without having to load code into each. I found that Word allows you to load a template into its startup folder. This gets opened automatically and allows the code within it to be used by any document. In some environments, this code needs to be digitally signed, but there are simple tools available to self-sign the code for each PC you use.

My first major task was to prove the tools could be invoked correctly. I did this by creating some test routines, assigning them to shortcut keys and confirming I could use them whenever a I needed.

I then tested the basic table manipulation tools in VBA. These included stepping through each row, updating text, deleting rows and similar functions. Word has some quirky ways of marking the end of text in cells, so these tools took a bit of getting used to.

I also needed to store information about the tables. For example, which tables allow renumbering, whether a prefix being used, and what separator should applied. To do this, I decided to use custom document properties, and had to build a set of tools to read these values and update them when they were changed by the user.

The basic routines came together fairly quickly, but I did spend quite a while making the logic handle the wide variety of table manipulation tasks that a BA needs.

I also found that my use of tables really took off when I simplified the text styles I used for tables. I recommend taking the time to set up new styles for standard table text, table bullet points and table headers. Keeping these separate from the regular text styles allows easy change of the fonts to fit the changing cell space availability, and assigning these styles to shortcut keys means they can be used quickly and reliably.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Prepare and be Personal

I want to thank all of you for reading my blog posts and always adding to the conversation. We grow by seeking out information and challenging each other’s thoughts. Well, I want to grow too, so I read other people’s blogs. One of my favorites is Frances Cole Jones. Her latest post, Raising a Glass: How to Give a Memorable Toast made some great points beneficial to BA professionals. In short she says be prepared, make it personal, and make it universal. Even though a toast is short, you can’t wing it…be prepared. The toast should be about the uniqueness of your relationship with the person you are toasting…make it personal. Finally, when telling a story try to connect with the larger audience. Talk about something that everyone can relate too…make it universal. For today’s post I am going to focus on the first two, being prepared and making it personal.

When I talk to people around the world a common area of improvement shared is the ability to think on your feet. So many people get nervous just thinking about bumping into a Director or VP because they are not going to know what to say if they are asked a question. Many people don’t like presenting in front of a group because they feel they may freeze when someone asks a question. The only way around it is being prepared. In reality thinking on your feet is not winging it.

Being able to think on your feet comes from being prepared for any situation and then relaxing so you can recognize the situation and recall the information. For the random conversation with the VP, take a few minutes and think about what he could ask about. Then come up with your answers and practice them. Same goes for a presentation. For the topic at hand, ask yourself what can the attendees possibly ask me? Be ready with answers. The more prepared you are, the more relaxed you’ll be. This will allow you to keep an open mind, hear the questions and respond with an answer that you most likely came up with already.

While you are thinking about your responses make them personal to the audience. If you are talking with your CIO and she asks about the projects you are working on. You may want to think about addressing your CIO’s goals. Does she need to know the specifics of your project or maybe more about the goal the project is addressing? It also does not hurt to ask, “How much time do you have and how much detail do you want?”
How do you really make things personal? The way you make things personal is by building relationships with the people you work with. The better you know the people you work with, what interests them, and what drives them, the more personal you can make the response. I realize it is not realistic to build relationships with everyone. If building a good relationship with the director or VP is not doable, find out who does have a good relationship with them. Ask them to help give you the background you need.

It can seem a bit more difficult to ensure you are “making it personal” when it comes to a meeting or presentation with multiple attendees. When you schedule a group meeting you probably think about and know why you are inviting all the attendees. That’s only a piece of the puzzle. Don’t assume the attendee knows why they should be there. You have to make sure they know why they are invited. For some meetings it may be as easy as sending an email to each invitee explaining why they were personally invited to the meeting. Sometimes it takes a conversation. This is a necessary extra step you must take to make sure the meeting or presentation is personal to them. This step also gives the invitee the option of starting a conversation around why they may not need to be there.

Regardless of the situation don’t shy away from these moments even if you are not prepared. Don’t duck in a room if you see a VP coming. You learn through practice. You’ll gain information on what questions people ask and what makes it personal to them.

All the best,

7 Habits of Highly Effective Business Analysts

Highly effective BAs, regardless of their skill level or years of experience, consistently hone their craft. Guided by curiosity and passion, great BAs are always on the lookout for growth opportunities—ways to strengthen and sharpen their skills.

This focus on continuous professional improvement goes far beyond attending an annual conference or workshop. Instead, effective BAs develop daily habits that demonstrate leadership and expertise.

So, I’ll borrow Stephen Covey’s popular “seven habits” framework to discuss the recurrent behaviors that support excellence in the business analysis profession.

Although I refer to these as BA habits, they can be applied to most professions. So, whether you are a project manager, a tester, a techie or a trainer, think about how these habits can help you become a leader in your organization.

Habit #1: Effective BAs engage stakeholders.

BAs need information, cooperation and trust from their stakeholders. Skilled BAs get what they need by building strong relationships. They engage stakeholders in a way that inspires engagement, creativity, collaboration and innovation.

How do you know if your stakeholders are engaged? Well, these are common issues on teams with weak stakeholder engagement:

  • Strongly conflicting requirements between stakeholders.
  • Stakeholders are silent; roll their eyes, sigh or multi-task during meetings.
  • Stakeholders do not contribute to the project. They don’t return phone calls, do not reply to emails, do not review project documents, provide resources, etc.
  • Stakeholders show up late for meetings, leave meetings early or skip meetings.
  • Disparate groups do not understand other stakeholder’s needs and benefits from the project.
  • Progress is slow.
  • Discussions loop in circles.
  • Decisions are difficult to obtain.

Do you see any of those things happening consistently in your organization? Effective BAs use their influence to create an environment that looks more like this:

  • Stakeholders have a shared vision and can communicate the vision to their team/s.
  • Stakeholders understand their connection to each other.
  • Stakeholders trust each other and the BA.
  • Stakeholders enthusiastically participate in meetings.
  • Stakeholders make themselves and their resources available to the BA as needed.
  • Questions, discussion and meaningful debates.
  • Proactive, 2-way communication

Habit #2: Effective BAs research new techniques.

Great BAs love discovering new tools that make work efficient, valuable and maybe even fun. Experts estimate there are more than 500+ BA techniques in use today—literally lurking around every corner. Here are a few ways to find them:

  • Read the BABoK! The IIBA’s comprehensive handbook describes 40 of the most common and useful BA techniques. Current IIBA members can get a sneak peak at BABoK 3.0 by participating in the public review process. 
  • Attend industry conferences and workshops. Full-day or multi-day training sessions give BAs exposure to a variety of new techniques, trends, and methodologies. Many training companies and universities offer BA training. IIBA and PMI sponsor events across the world.
  • Network. Connect regularly with other BAs. Ask them about new techniques. Find out what works on their projects. Solicit advice when you hit road blocks.
  • Observe others. Find a mentor. Watch your peers. Which techniques do they use regularly? Are they working? Why or why not? How could you make them better?
  • Borrow from other industries and professions. The most obvious example may be the lean processes project teams have borrowed from manufacturing. Are there techniques you could borrow from an elementary school teacher, a farmer, a scientist or an actor? Definitely!

Habit #3: Effective BAs experiment with new techniques.

Now, it’s time to put those new techniques to work! Stagnation and boredom are the enemy of an effective BA. Applying new techniques keeps BAs motivated, engaged and inspired.

Experimentation often invites risk, but there are many ways to contain possible fallout:

  • Start small. Try a new techniques on small, low risk projects. Apply the new technique to a small part of a big project.
  • Break it down. Find a way to break the new technique in pieces. Try one piece on an analysis or elicitation effort to see if it is works. Then get feedback and adjust course if needed.
  • Find your friendlies. Use a new technique with a small, friendly group of co-workers. Encourage them to give you honest feedback.
  • Set expectations. Let stakeholders know why you are trying the new technique.
  • Ponder plan b. Courage to try new things includes the possibility of failure. Think about the worst case scenario. What’s your plan b if the new technique fails?

Habit #4: Effective BAs plan to re-plan.

I run into so many BAs that get stressed out by estimating requirement deliverables. They often ask, “How can I estimate when I don’t have any requirements yet?” My answer: “We plan to re-plan!”

As the project needs and scope evolve, effective BAs revisit their estimates—they reevaluate and adjust as the project moves forward.

Every BA leader and PM I have talked to about this agrees. It’s totally fine to change the estimate and re-plan, just not at the last hour!

So, set expectations and share them.

  • Make sure the PM and other leaders understand that this is your best estimate based on the current state of the project.
  • Help them understand which factors will increase or decrease estimates.
  • Plan resources: What can you do in the early stages of the project to anticipate estimate changes? Who can you pull in if you get behind? What tools can you use to be more efficient? How can you manage busy SMEs to get good requirements?
  • Look at the value and risk of scope items and adjust the plan accordingly to spend more time on high value and high risk items.
  • If your incentives are based on estimation accuracy, then talk to your leader about re-planning and how it fits in the incentive plan.

Effective BAs know that re-planning will be required to protect the project value. They look at the tasks and deliverables like puzzle pieces that need to be flipped, turned, and shuffled until they all come together in their proper place.

Habit #5: Effective BAs use visuals, often.

In most cases, visual communication is more effective than text-heavy documents or verbal descriptions—humans process visual information more quickly and completely. Effective BAs understand the importance and efficiency of visual communication. They always look for new and improved ways to use visuals in their meetings, presentations and documentation.

Skilled visual communicators:

  • Create high-level conceptual visuals, low-level detailed visuals and everything in between.
  • Tailor their visuals to meet the needs of their audience. Does a CEO want to review a 20-page process model? Does a group of SMEs want to focus on the whole organization or just their piece of the pie?
  • Draw spontaneously on white boards when discussions start spinning.
  • Use visuals in virtual meetings too. They use virtual whiteboards, post-it notes, flow charts, etc.
  • Know that visuals do not need to be perfect. You don’t need to be an artist. You don’t need 100% accuracy on day one. A flawed visual is so much better than starting with a blank page.

Habit #6: Effective BAs develop Underlying Competencies.

Obviously, BAs need techniques and tools to complete their practical tasks, but they also rely on underlying competencies. The techniques are like the tools in the tool box, but underlying competencies (UCs) influence how the tools are used and how the techniques are applied. UCs are the artistry, the finesse, or the soft skills.

Effective BAs continuously refine their UCs in many of the same ways they develop techniques: research, training, observation, experimentation, etc.

Effective BAs maintain dozens of UCs, but here are a few of the most important:

  • Critical thinking and Problem Solving
  • Teaching
  • Leadership and Influence
  • Facilitation and Negotiation
  • Personal integrity
  • Organizational Knowledge

Habit #7: Effective BAs consider politics.

Politics exist in every organization.

In project work, politics usually play out during prioritization efforts: which work will get funding, whose projects fit into an implementation, which requirements get cut.

Skilled BAs don’t ignore politics, but they avoid playing. They work around and within them.

How do effective BAs walk this fine political line? How do they understand and manage politics without getting involved? Good questions. Here are a few ideas:

  • Build wide support to eliminate politics as a factor.
  • Always redirect the team back to the project value. Which requirements, timelines, bug fixes, testing strategies, etc. best support the goals of the project and value to the organization?
  • Gather data. In many cases, good data can tell as story that transcends politics and makes the right answer obvious.
  • Lead with empathy. Understand what each stakeholder is seeing, hearing, thinking, feeling. Use these insights to help you influence each stakeholder.
  • Understand the definition of success for each stakeholder.

Which habits make you a highly effective project professional?

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Business Analysis: Sharing Your Knowledge: Why and How

Often, through their normal daily work the business analyst learns new knowledge about systems, business processes or the organization as a whole. In doing business analysis tasks on a daily basis, a business analyst investigates systems; whether through documentation analysis, interface analysis or interviews with system users or subject matter experts (SME), they learn how systems operate and how the business uses the system(s). Business Analysts are often called upon to document business processes, so they investigate those business processes through interviews or surveys of those involved in the process. Through Situation Analysis, Capability Gap Analysis, Feasibility Studies, SWOT Analysis, Market Research or Organizational Change Readiness assessment to implement a new project solution the business analyst learns about their organization and the business environment in which it operates.

All too often what happens when the business analyst leaves the team or organization is all that learned, and now tacit, knowledge leaves with them. Then comes the unpalatable task of replacing the business analyst and bringing the new person up to speed with the team. What can never be regained is that knowledge that left with the previous business analyst. Wouldn’t it be great to keep that tacit knowledge?

As the exiting business analyst how can you leave that knowledge with the team as you move on to other opportunities, especially when those opportunities are outside the organization? Do you want to spend the last two weeks on the team trying to hurriedly document all your tacit knowledge? Where do you store it; in what format? Let’s look at a better way.

An Internal Body of Knowledge

An internal Business Analysis Body of Knowledge is a centralized, electronic knowledge repository from which the entire business analysis team may draw knowledge. Centralized to one business analysis team or across the organization; who is this knowledge base to serve. Once you determine who your customers are, you can determine where to store this knowledge base to be centralized; and you can consider such things as security and access. You can determine if this should be stored on a shared network drive, SharePoint or another document repository.

Start from the beginning

Don’t wait until your final week or two in this role to try to leave all your knowledge with your co-workers. Start from your first weeks on the job. As you investigate and learn these systems, business processes and the organization start documenting what you learn about things. It is very difficult to document years of knowledge in your final week(s) on the team; so start soon after you join the team. Document as you learn. This also helps to ensure that important items don’t get forgotten.

Start Small and Grow

Egypt wasn’t built in a day, so don’t feel that you have to build an entire knowledge base in a week. If you start soon after you join the team then you won’t be rushed to build your internal body of knowledge in a week or two. You can build it over years of learning. Start from the first system or business process that you investigate. Document one system or business process and store that in your centralized place. There is your start. Add each system, business process or piece of organizational knowledge you learn while you are in this role and watch your body of knowledge grow. As the knowledge repository grows, you build the structure of the repository.

Start Yourself

You can bring the idea of a centralized knowledge base to your team and try to get buy-in; or you can just start yourself. You may have to determine what the team or corporate culture is to determine if you ask for permission or beg for forgiveness. As a consultant, it is my ‘value-add’ that I provide my clients. I build my internal body of knowledge and as I leave the team I show the team the knowledge I am leaving them.

Invite Others to Join In

Once you have the knowledge base started and others can see the value, invite them to add their knowledge to yours. This can grow the knowledge exponentially. Obtaining their buy-in is much easier when you can show them the value.

Get Started

So now you know what an internal business analysis body of knowledge is and have a concept of how to build one…get started. Determine who you wish the knowledge base to serve, determine where to store it and get started building it.

By building an internal business analysis body of knowledge for a team or organization that you will eventually leave; face it we all leave at some point whether by choice, retirement or other forces, you can leave behind business, systems and tacit knowledge you have built up over time. The great advantage of starting early is that you don’t have to hurry up, remember everything and build it all in a short timespan as you prepare to leave the team. For a consultant leaving a team, this is a great ‘value-add’ to provide for your clients.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.

Initiating ITIL Implementation in a Small Organization

Understanding the need for improving the process and what exactly the organization is trying to address is very important before we plan to apply any framework to an existing system. ITIL address many critical issues faced by any IT industry (small/large). Let us consider the below aspects,

  1. Service downtime that the business tolerate
  2. SLA /acceptable recovery time
  3. Creating customer value from a service industry perspective
  4. Running an integrated help desk
  5. Reducing IT Operational Costs
  6. Improve availability
  7. Optimization of resource Utilization

Considering the above benefits, it truly does not matter if it’s a large or a small organization, it’s very lucrative and we definitely get a lot of advantages by implementing ITIL framework.
I will try and capsule my ideas of implementing ITIL (specific to Small organizations) and document in a very simple and understandable format. This is purely from my perspective; I have implemented and it served and worked effectively in reality.

  1. Depending upon the industry (service or product), ITIL implementation can be initiated by conducting the discussion between the business and engineering. Outcome of the discussion can be multiple action items and the most important will be the agreed SLA.
  2. Second and very important step will be to form a strong team of resources which understands each and every issue/requirements from both functional and technical standpoint. We can name the team as the control team and will be the approving authority for any change to the existing system.
  3. ITIL has a lot of process and it is very tough to implement all of them right from the word go. I feel, it’s a good practice to start with Incident Management, Problem Management, Knowledge management, change control management and release management and setup the process, expectation and teams accordingly.
  4. Implementing the above 5 process and meeting the SLA will give the results which will address the important ROI’s like service downtime that the business tolerate, acceptable recovery time, running an integrated help desk, reducing IT Operational Costs, Improve availability.
  5. Assign process owners/leads.

The flow can be as below,

  1. Strong Help desk team which will record the incident and check for available solutions in the KMDB or raise a problem ticket, assign and follow up.
  2. Effective Problem management/production support team which will work on the solutions and request for change.
  3. As mentioned before, control team which will analyze the change and approve. (Post approval–Close problem management)
  4. A hands on release team to deploy the changes (Post deployment–Close change Management)
  5. Incident Management/Help Desk to confirm the successful change and update the KMDB accordingly (Post confirmation–Close Incident Management)

There are many other aspects which will be controlled by implementing the above process. The control team can make sure of approving the required and correct CMR (change management requests) by which we can control and minimize the after change errors which is the main cause of production outages.

Some of the other key processes are capacity management, availability management, information security, risk management, configuration management, asset management, event management, access management and each process has their own benefits. We can initiate, implement and sustain with these 5 processes first and once successful, we can try and sneak the other process one by one and will fall in place.

What organization doesn’t want an increase in productivity? Or is there an organization that does not entertain cost and operational benefits. We can always customize the framework and implement process to meet our needs.

Don’t forget to leave your comments below.